Chapter 14: Till Next Time

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      I watched the group of three walk into the small café. Two were missing but I heard they were in the hospital so I wasn't stressing out on some sneak attack or anything.

      I walked in about two minutes after and sat parallel to them with the buff young one's back facing me. I heard that he was the strongest and been the one to practically put all the users out of commission. It was in my best interest if he had not seen my face.

      I spent a few minutes listening closely to their conversations about precautions needed to be taken and if the two in the hospital would be able to continue fighting alongside them. The conversation was soon stopped by a familiar face taking their order. I believe the waiter was a stand user. Maybe he spent a night at the mansion?

      After taking their order he walked over to me with a concerned and afraid look.

      "What do you think you're doing?", it was spoken through closed teeth. "Lord Dio would kill every single user if anything happened to you!", of course all the users knew about me. Dio had made it a point to make sure they all knew my life was priority as well.

      "I'm here just for intel. I have no intention on bringing out my stand under no circumstances.", I told him in a hushed tone.

      "You could have at least disguised yourself better.", the user who I realized to be one of the nine gods huffed at me.

      "Anything more and it would have been suspicious. Just as this never-ending coconversation is. Thank you!", I said cheerfully at the end as one would to a waiter and he got the hint and walked away.

      I'll admit my "disguise" wasn't the best but it wasn't really meant to be one. All I did was wear a thin green veil, did darker eye makeup and have my hair done differently. It was meant to just obsure the details about me.

      I watched the men leave after suspicion arose but soon came back after a few short minutes. In that time I had gotten a cup of tea along with a small cookie and begun to relax as anxiety of being figured out left.

      Just as I put the cookie off to the side this mutt jumped up on the table taking me by total surprise.

      "Ah!", I yelled out in surprise as well as knock the tea cup off the table causing it to shatter on the ground.

      I ducked immediately and began picking up the shards but it still hadn't stopped the group from already having looked over and come over.

      "We're truly sorry about our dog. Are you okay miss?", I heard a voice ask. Being as jumpy as I was it caused me to grip a little too hard on the pieces and cut my palm. I bit down on my tongue to keep in the yelp.

      "Yes of course. Dogs will do as they please haha.", I looked up to see the old man offering a hand to me.

      I took his hand out of politeness and he helped me up.

      "Thank you.", I said putting down the broken pieces on the table mistakenly revealing my injured hand.

        "Oh mademoiselle! You have been injured. Let me help you with that.", the silver haired man took no hesitation in grabbing my hand and cleaning it up with the napkin. "My name is Polnareff by the way. May you grace me by telling me the name of a beauty such as yourself?"

      I knew the name. Dio spoke of Polnareff before but I had never met him. I was just about to answer but the third one spoke before I could.

      "Enough flirting. We have to go back to the hospital. Let's go.", he said looking straight at me.

      It didn't take a genius to figure out he saw me as a potential threat and stand user.

      I kept as straight as a face as I could. He intimidated me but I was determined to stay neutral.

       "Fine Jotaro. We'll go. Hopefully I'll see you again my belle.", the man who I assumed to be Polnareff said before giving a wink and walking out with the rest.

      As soon as they were out of eyeshot I used Atlas Blue to heal my hand.

      Now all I had to do was wait and follow them to their next destination if the current stand users failed in killing them.



      This is a filler so it's short and I'm sorry also thank you all for all the reads!💖


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