Chapter 4:Six Roses

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Dio's POV (two week skip)

      I looked out the window and saw y/n walking around the garden occasionally stopping to admire flowers or inhale their perfumes. She truly was beautiful. However she was quite stubborn.

      Fifteen nights and she still had not spent another night in my room with me. I have been as patient as I could with her even as she hung out with Hol Horse. If he had not been working for me I would have been full of rage. Y/n had at least began to join me for meals as well as leave her room unlike the first five days she was here.
She even seemed to warm up to me a bit as she made small talk during meals. Yet my patience was running thin.

      "Enyaba!", the old woman came scurrying quickly at the sound of my voice.

      "Yes Lord Dio! How may I serve you?", she asked as she bowed at my feet before looking up eagerly waiting on an order.

      "Take y/n a thin scarf and glass of cold pineapple juice. Tell her it is so she may continue to enjoy the garden for as long as she wish to while being able to bear the heat and wind. Tell her as well I would bring it myself but the rays are still too harsh.", I told Enyaba.  The old woman nodded then went off quickly to go what I had instructed her.

      My gestures will be enough to win y/n over. She already melts with my charm no matter how hard she may fight it. She shall fall to my charm and it shall be under her will.


      As I admired the roses Enyaba came up to me with a glass of something and a sheer green cloth.

      "Miss y/n, Lord Dio sends a veil for you to wear and a glass of pineapple juice so that you may enjoy the garden despite the heat and wind. He would have personally brought them himself but despite the cloudy sky the rays can still be harsh", she said handing me the veil first so that I may put it on followed by the glass of juice.

      "Please send Dio my gratitude for me.", I told her before she left me to continue my admiration of the garden. As I took a sip of the drink I admittedly felt more fond of Dio. The first week was extremely rough, I barely ate and spoke with Dio causing him to have outbursts of anger. However as time went on we made small talk and he began to make tiny gestures such as these or leaving roses at my bedside for me to wake up next to.

      One thing that continuously bothered me was the fact he never told me what he was. I knew he was not human as the strength he possessed was similar to that of beasts as well as the fangs in his mouth. I suspected vampire as he never was in harsh lighting and was rarely around during the day but I would like to hear from him what he was. Those thoughts passed as I continued my admiration of the flowers. 

      Eventually I was greeted by Hol Horse in the garden as he typically would spend the day with me.

      "Hello fair madame, must I say that veil compliments your hair perfectly.", he said with a little bow. I gave a small giggle to the action.

      "Why thank you very much handsome cowboy.", I gave a small bow in return to his own. Despite his flirtations I knew Hol Horse was just the type of guy who loved women and would do anything to make them smile. "May I ask you something Hol Horse?"

      "Ask away and I will try my best to answer y/n.", he said as we strolled along.

      "What is Dio truly like? I figured you'd know more than I since you've known him longer.", I looked at the cowboy hoping for an honest answer.

      "Well to be frank he has been behaving quite differently since you have arrived. For one he is around a bit more during the day as opposed to completely missing. Lord Dio also has not brought another women to the mansion which is rather strange as he used to always have many at a single time. He remains charismatic however.", he answered me. I nodded in a way of response. I was not taken back that Dio would have more than one woman at once I was more taken back by the fact he had not had any other beside me since my arrival. I tried not to think about it too much, I'm sure it meant nothing.

      Hol Horse and I chatted amongst each other for maybe about half hour before he said he must leave to do some work for Dio. Normally I'd be a little saddened by having no company outside but the sun was beginning to go down which meant it would be time to return inside.

      "Dinner is already served Miss y/n.", Vanilla Ice informed me as soon as I walked back into the mansion. I nodded to show acknowledge before making my way to the dining room. Sure enough as every night Dio was already sitting at the other end with a glass of wine.

      I took my seat across from him and took a sip of my own wine glass. "I appreciate the gesture you did earlier.", I told him as nonchalantly as I could. I didn't want him to know it put butterflies in my stomach.

      A smile grew on his face despite his best efforts to hide it. "Why my only goal is to see you happy and well taken care of, darling.", a voice that could calm the waves of the ocean. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and couldn't help but let my lips form into a small smile.

      "I've noticed the garden is primarily roses and the flowers you always use to bless my sight in the morning are also roses. By any chance, do roses happen to be your favourite flower?", I now was attempting to make more than small talk for once.

      "Ah why yes. I must say I favor roses. They harbor more than one meaning and truly get the message across. You know six roses means infatuation?", his eyes now greeted my own. I could feel my muscles tense at that new piece of information. He always left six at my bedside. Heat rose incredibly in my cheeks there was no hiding it. I struggled to find a response. Before I could respond, Dio speak again.

      "If you'd like I can share with you all the meanings of the roses in the garden after dinner. Would you like that love?", Dio asked his gaze never breaking mine.

      "I would love that actually, in fact why don't we go now?", I already began to rise from my seat. Excitement now filled me, diminishing my appetite. Dio gave a small chuckle at my response and walked over to me.

      "Shall we?", Dio asked with a hand out. I placed my hand within his and he led us to the garden. "Must I say, moonlight compliments you perfectly y/n.", he said to me once we had stepped outside. I struggled to find a response, he merely smirked at my blush.

      "What does this one mean?", I asked running my fingers along the petals of a coral rose.
      "Coral means desire. It is not necessarily the same desire as the red rose holds. Coral is desire in general, not necessarily romantic desire.", he answered my question.

      "Is there a reason there is no red roses that grow in this garden?", It was a thought that consumed me since red roses were left on my bedside yet I had seen none grow so I had to ask.

      "Red roses hold such a deep meaning that to have them grow commonly seems as an insult. They should be flowers reserved only to those who are the most special, those who are practically gods on earth.", as he finished his last sentence his grip on my hand tightened as if to say, "I'm talking about you."

      Suddenly I felt as if I understood what he meant about our fates being connected. Being at his side felt right. Maybe it was time to let him in and allow our fates to completely entangle. Perhaps the tale of the red thread was true and I had finally found the other end of mine.

Dio's POV

      A silence fell upon us but it was comfortable as if something had just been figured out and needed no verbal confirmation.

      I'm surprised she allowed her hand to be kept in my own. Y/n seemed to finally start fully opening up to me. God, how beautiful the moonlight fell on her. 

      As I admired her a bit of wind blew our way. I felt her body lean on my own. I was completely taken aback. Surely she could not be cold as it was still around twenty seven degrees (Celsius) at night. I did not reject her though. I welcomed her touch and brought her close. I wanted y/n to know...
       "I got you."


Ahhh! This chapter was a little bit longer and I apologize! It may still seem a bit slow and I apologize again but the next chapter will be more romantic I promise :))

Willfully, Captively Yours (Dio X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now