Tue,August 19

540 18 8

D-----> I feel that somthing is bothering gamzee. I sit next to him and he moves. I wonder if mabye he is having second thoughts about me... I hope not. that is all I can do is hope . but sometimes that isnt enough I spend qlot of my time with him fearing that he will leave me because I am not good enough, I dont make him feel the way I do. it is enough to bring me to tears. I  loyally flushed for him . I was with him and I said "I dont know what I would do with out you" he replied with something around the lines of "I don't know probably fall for tavros or eridan "

I would never fall for eridan . he is highblood filth. unfit for his caste.

and I do not know much of the mudblood. just that I made him new legs .

it hurts to think he thinks I could move on. I would rather die than have to forget gamzee for one whole minute. I am flushed for him and that way it shall stay.

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