Fri,August 1

783 20 0

D-------> the highb100ds message he said it was important but had forgotten what it was. I believe it is somthing about the fact that I am flushed for him but I will not assume such things. I have begun roleplaying with nepeta strangely creating these scenarios between me and him makes me feel better about not being his. and yet again nepeta has prooved herself an e%emplary moirail.

I apologized for neglecting nepeta .. when I had aradia as a kismesis I should have paid mor attention to my moirail because I wasnt there when she needed me most and that is shameful. I am ashamed in myself. I dont even have aradia asy kismesis any more .

it seems everyone has been saying the phrase "good luck" even aradia said it yesterday I like to see that people enjoy my ... what did nepeta call it? .I ... I think it is called an otp she added us to her shipping wall I am glad to join her wall even if I did not show it. I have seen jer hidden ship and although I do not aproove I want her to be happy and pursue her happiness as i am doing now . she is a STRONG girl and can do anything she sets her mind to.

to think of it every idea or suggestion she has given me has been one that has benefited me greatly . I should listen to her more.

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