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They're all gone. Everyone one of my friends have died. They still haven't found Lotor's body and I doubt they ever will. I know who killed him. I know who killed all of them.


I ran away from home. My foster parents won't notice until it's too late to do anything but I still have to act fast. I stand and I wait for here to appear from the shadows. Her strawberry blonde hair reflects the moonlight so perfectly and the smile on her cheer red lips makes me sick.

"Good evening," she says casually. She isn't even wearing a jack allowing herself to freeze in the frigid air.

"Why did you kill them?" I grip the rope in my hands until my knuckles went white.

"Kill who?" She smirks. God it's taking so much in me not to punch her.

"All of my friends!" My eyes burn.

"I didn't kill all of them," She giggles. "Directly. I was going to save Lance for you especially since I know how close you are."

"But why did you do it?" I'm so done with her.

"Because I love you all so much." She says as if it were obvious. God she's a psychopath. "I don't know why you care away. You're here to kill yourself." I tighten my grip on the rope. She's right. "Go on now."

"You're a bitch Thorn."

"And this bitch will be the last face you see."


The police found my body early the next morning but it doesn't even matter. There's no one left to attend my funeral.

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