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I've finally made it to senior year. Everything is going great and I've already been accepted into a really good tech school. I can't wait for college even though I'll miss of high school friends. We've been together for quite some time. I hope we don't stop talking after Shiro and I graduate.

I walk home from a baseball game that ran late with my best friend Shiro. The two of us are talking and laughing until suddenly there was a loud bang and Shiro falls to the cold concrete side walk. I instantly get down on my knees next to him. He's been shot!

"Hands up!" A female voice commands me. I do as she commands and slowly turn to face her. She's in all black, with a ski mask and a pistol. My eyes grow wide with fear. I steal a quick glance at Shiro's bleeding form.

"Stand up and drop the bag kid!" She motioned with her gun for me to set down my baseball bag. I stand up quickly allowing to bag to simply slide off my shoulder as I do. "Open it but don't take anything out."

I unzip the bag and put my hands back up in the air. A silent tear rolls down of my cheek as I spear a glance at Shiro. My best friend is dying right next to me and I have no clue how I'm supposed to do this.

"Dump the bag out!" She says forcefully. Tears well up in my eyes as I become more and more panicked, but I do as she says. "Take out your wallet!"

I hold out my wallet and she snatches it from me. I collapse on the ground with tears streaming down my face. I turn my head to see Shiro's dying body. "Please just kill me. I can bear to live without him."

She laughs a little. "Queer." Eight shots go off puncturing my body and leaving me to slowly bleed to death right next to my best friend.

With my remaining strength I crawl towards Shiro. I cuddle into his dissipating heat. I cough out a bit of blood and it soaks into his shirt.

"M-Matt," he mumbles but I can tell he's not conscious.

"I'm going to be right here as we go." My voice cracks as blood drizzles out of my mouth.

"Oh my god," a shrill scream fills the air. Before I know what's going on another woman has me turned on my back and she's checking my vital signs. "Rich, call an ambulance!"

Her hands try to put pressure into my wounds but the mugger had me shot up like a slice of Swiss cheese. I try to stop the lady from helping me.

"I want to be with him," I rasp as I begin to choke on my own blood.

"No! Come on, you're to young for this!" She insists. "Please don't die on me! Oh god, please don't!"

"Nancy," a guy tries to console her. "The ambulance is on its way. They're going to be okay. It's alright."

The young couple, Rich and Nancy, try to provide first aid with what few resources they have. I don't even try to fight anymore, I'm too weak. I just let myself slip away slowly. My body's systems shut down one by one in slow domino affect.

By the time the ambulance arrives I'm brain dead and cold. The young couples cries and regrets not doing more to save me, but I chose this. I wanted to die along side Shiro, but Shiro didn't die. The ambulance was able to transfer him to the hospital alive, whereas I died on the pavement.

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