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Hunk didn't deserve to die. Shiro didn't deserve to die. Matt didn't deserve to die. I'm having trouble focusing in school because it seems like every phone call I get is someone informing I lost another loved one. I can't imagine what Pidge is going through. She just lost her brother and her very best friend.

Lance, Lotor, and Keith don't seem that well off either. Lotor is coming to school with more bruises and he hasn't gotten to take a day off of school. Keith has become more depressed than he was before. Lance hasn't left his room since he found out Hunk died.

I'm still going to school because at least I'm doing something. I need this to cope. Just like how Lance needs to be curled up in his blankets allowing everything to slowly sink in. I'm worried about them. I'm going over to Keith's tomorrow to check on him and give him some company and then the two of us are going to Lance's. Pidge said that they just want to be alone and Lotor's parents won't let him leave the house after school.

I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is rather unkept and my breath is starting to smell. I've barely put any effort into basic hygiene ever since Shiro died. I've been trying my best but most days it's too much.

I should probably at least shower and brush my teeth. I go about my routine of scrubbing off the grime that had built up on me. None of this is fair. My friends shouldn't be dying. Hunk was only a sophomore and someone murder him. I know that Gregory's poisoned him. They killed the a brilliant little boy who did nothing but make the people around him feel good.

I sit down in the shower and cry to myself. I've lost much it hurts beyond comprehension. I have to keep going though. If I ever stop moving the world has won and I refuse to lose so I have to keep going on and on.

I climbed in bed and drift off to sleep. I hope Keith and Lance will be okay tomorrow.


I wake up to the sound of steps and my door creaking open. I open my eyes but I'm paralyzed in fear. Some stranger just walked into my room. They begin walking towards me slowly as if they're scare of waking me up. My brain starts rush for an answer, but suddenly it's just blank.

The figure reaches out for me and as if my body is moving on it's own I jump up tackle them. I pin them to the ground with a loud thud. The person is wearing all black and black ski mask.

"Who the hell are you?" I interrogate. Before they can answer I'm hit in the head from behind sending me flying across my room.

"She's awake," the person who hit me comments. "That makes our job more interesting."

She brings her bat crashing down on my ankle. I scream in protest using my other leg to kick her back. The other one pins down giving the woman clear shots for destroying my legs. After my legs are nothing but a bloody mess the couple starts dosing my room in gasoline. They're going to burn me alive. I can't run with my legs demolished.

"Please, don't do this!" I scream. "I don't want to die! No!"

"Sorry pretty," the woman chuckled before dropping a match.

The room filled with the heat of the fire and thick smoke that choked my lungs. I tried to crawl to my window but I found myself to weak. The flesh my broken legs caught fire first causing me to gag at the sent of my own burning flesh.

It ended up not being the fire that killed me but the smoke that smothered my lungs. The firefighters were too late to save me. When they arrived I was long gone.

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