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I got in a fight at school today. Lance's ex-girlfriend had her brother go to Lance's house just to beat, rape, and murder him. She didn't deserve to get away scott free. She didn't deserve to keep going about her day like she hadn't killed one of my only remaining friends. With out Lance all I have left is Keith and I know Keith doesn't want to be alive anymore. Lance meant a lot to him and he's already lost so much. It's just a matter of time really.

I found Lance's ex, Percilla, during lunch. She was about to leave with her friends to eat somewhere other than the school. I think I even heard one of them mention going to Gregory's, the place that killed Hunk. I couldn't take it anymore.

I'm a very tall person. All I had to do was run up to her and throw her to the ground. "You killed him." I accused her punching her square in the jaw. All of her friends where standing too shocked to stop me.

I was sobbing as I beat the shit out of her. I kept repeating it over and over, "you killed him, you killed him!" A teacher finally pulled me away from the bitch and I watched her friends picked her up. Her face was barely even scratched compared to what her brother had done to Lance.

Coran sits me down in his office. I cross my arms and refuse to look at the middle aged man. Anger's precipitation burns tracks down my cheeks still as I try to suppress my emotions of fear and sadness. The longing for not just Lance but all of the many friends I've lost in such a short span of time.

"Lotor," Coran sighs. "It doesn't feel right to punish you for this. I can understand where you're coming from but at the same time, you shouldn't've taken things out on that girl."

"She sent her brother to kill Lance." I defend myself. "She can't just pretend like nothing happened! I want her to live on knowing that she's the reason Lance is dead. God, she's the reason Keith is going to kill himself. She's the reason I'll be all alone because I can't kill myself! I don't care if her brother gets arrested she's the reason he was there in the first place."

"Lotor you need to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" My voice cracks. "They never found the mugger who killed Matt, they wouldn't prosecute the doctor who killed Shiro, Hunk's killer got away because the police couldn't find any evidence. Again, nobody knows who killed Allura, so they're getting away, and the drunk driver who killed Pidge is died in the crash as well. Percilla was the only murder I could actually get to so I think she deserves to know that she's a murderer even if her hands are clean."

Coran stares at me shocked before he begins crying too. "I'm sorry Lotor. I don't think any of this is fair or right. You guys have always been such a great group of kids since the moment I met you. I don't know what's going on but I'm holding on to hope the police find the people responsible for taking away Matt and my niece. It won't bring them back but it will bring closure."

"Coran," my voice is weak and I feel embarrassed. "Coran, I want them back. They're my friends and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. Why couldn't it had been me instead of Lance. Lance deserves to be here so much more than me? Why can't I trade places with all of them? Why can't they be here alive and happy?"

"Lotor, do you and Keith have so one you can talk to like a counselor?" Coran stands and sets a hand one my shoulder. I shake my head no.

"My parents don't think it'll help."

"I think your parents and I need to talk." Coran says and he lightly pushes up the sleeve of my shirt revealing a bruise I had been give the night before after finding out Lance was dead.

"Please don't," I look into Coran's eyes. "It'll only make things worse."

"Lotor, if you testify against them I'll be with you the whole time." He offers me. "I'd even adopt you so you can stay here with Keith."

"Thank you Coran. I'll think on it."

Coran smiles. "You don't have to go to class."

"No it'll help keep my mind off things if I have a distraction." I stand up wiping away tears.

"Lotor, I am required by the district to contact your parents about the fight." Coran says sadly. "Do they ever check their email?"

"Not my dad," I inform him.

"I'll send it to him then," Coran smiles at me. "You can come talk to me whenever."


I got off at my bus stop and was about to walk to the park to burn sometime thinking alone, but my dad was waiting for me at my stop. I'm screwed he saw the email. I'm dead. I'm actually going to die.

I take one glance back at my bus driver waving to her goodbye before walking to my dad. I send a quick text to Keith "You should really try talking to Coran about your depression." I follow my dad home and silence.

I shut the door and he doesn't even give me time to breathe before he grabs long strands of my hair and shoves me to the ground. My parents are loaded so we live in a mansion with maids and butlers, but my parents have never loved me. They've spent years constantly degrading and torturing me. They blame me for the bumps -mountains- in their marriage.

"Jessica, my evening coffee!" My father yells at a maid. The staff doesn't care about me. I'm just another rich snob and their eyes.

"Right away lord Zarkon." She leaves but quickly returning with steaming hot coffee. While waiting for her return my father had been kicking me repeatedly. I spit blood out of my mouth and onto the floor and I look up into Jessica's eyes pleadingly.

"Help," I reach out to her but my father pushes my arm to the floor and stomps it breaking my hand and several fingers with a crunch.

"Thank you Jessica," my father takes the coffee from her. "After today consider you brother's debt paid."

She nods and looks at me one more time before leaving the room. My father holds me down and spills the hot coffee on my face. I screamed pain just on reflex but father becomes more angry with me.

"You know son," he grabs a baseball bat. "I had Jessica as my little secretary today and she found an email from your school. JESSICA!"

Jessica rushes back in. "Jessi, please reread the email sent me by this brats principal."

"Dear Mr. Galra. Today your son, Lotor Galra, got in a fight with another student. This is the first out burst of your student and he will not be punished given special circumstances. Sincerely, Coran Smithe." She read aloud.

"Dad the girl, I beat her up because she sent her brother to kill Lance." I tried pleading with him. "Please father."

"You know," he messes with the baseball bat in his hands. "It's hard to keep up appearances when you have a kid going out of their way to get in trouble."

"Just kill me!" I demand. "If I'm really such a burden just kill me. Isn't that what you want. You want me dead so you don't have to deal with me. Just kill me."

The bat swings hard and fast breaking my ribs with a crunch. Jessica looks absolutely mortified by the scene and she falls helpless to her knees in shock. The bat swings again this right onto me knee cap shattering it like fine china.

"Jessica, be a dear and some of the other maids together." My father chuckles. "Y'all are going to have quite the mess to clean."

Another swing to my hip, sternum, stomach, ankle, thigh, and finally there hits to my skull. My skull burst open like a piñata spilling out sweet candy on to the freshly polished wooden flooring of the front foyer. I'm dead.

My father cuts my body up dumps it in the lake after sundown. My body is never found but Jessica tells police everything that she saw.

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