Chapter 7 - Vanessa

Start from the beginning

''Looks like Jason Voorhees is not the killer...but this Witch !'' your knife fell out on the ground before the impact. Shit.

''What do yo mean ? It's jst a girl !'' said one of them.

''Oh yeah? What about the symbols on her shirt ?'' he asked

''Well-'' you watched them talk as you try and grab your knife.

''What do you make of this ?'' he pulled you in a sitting position by your arms still trying to break free but his hold of your wrist his too strong

''Stop !  You are hurting me !'' you said as red marks started forming under his grip.

''Shut it ! I saw you opening that bear trap, you filthy witch !'' he pulled you to  your feet. You glance at Cookie approaching.

''I am not a witch ! LET ME GO !'' you said as you kicked him in the groin. Not only it wasn't very effective against your attackers, the very same guy proceeded to slap you back for it, forcing you on the ground again. As soon as he slapped you, one of the boys exclaim ''Watch out !''  only for Cookie to attack him and bite his forearm, making him cry out in pain. 

As you make an effort to stand up,while the other two struggle to get the dog off their friend, the darkskinned one grabs your waist ''You are not going anywere !'' he said as he forces you arms behind your back, as you watch the other two still putting up a fight against the enraged canine. As you watch,the boy uses his free hand and grabs a beer bottle ,about to smash it on Cookie, who had let go of his friend's arm and stood guard in front of you, making the two boys unable to approach you.

''NO ! STOP ! PLEASE NO !'' you start crying

''You should have thought of that before killing Vanessa and the others !''

''I NEVER killed anybody !''

''Admit it ! Admit it, or the dog gets it!' the boy behind you spat. Poor Cookie was barking to them as if to tell them you were not lying.

''No ! I never did anything ! All of you are drunk !''

''Ok that's it! You lying bitch, if you won't talk then this will will !'' he forced you to your knees, dangerously close to the campfire.

''Do yo know how witches like you get punished ?''  said one the blonde boy with an evil glimpse in his eyes.

''Burned to the stake !'' completed the brown haired one.

''WHAAAT ? NO ! You will nerver get away with this ! Cookie !'' you ordered the dog, who jumped on the boy behind you only to get kicked and hit by a bottle which made him whinne from the trauma, making him now scared.

''Back to you, bitch !'' one of them said, as the boy behind you tied your hads behind your back, and poored beer on your head cackling as you struggle pointlesly against the three strong males.

''Cookie! GO ! Go get Jason ! Go to the shack !'' you muffled between breaths as the alcoholic beverage poors on you, filling your mouth as you speak.

''Time for the witch trial !'' one of them said, you couldn't tell wich.

The three boys grab your head, and put hold it above the campfire, laughing and you shriek watching the red flames rise with each drop that falls in ,thinking you will be crisped when they actually reach you. Your screams must be heard across the camp, as your voice starts to crack.
The adrenaline rush causing you to resist with great force but not enough to headbutt them.

''Will you shut up already ?'' the one holding your head said slapping you. Hot tears come down your had started to break. He put a rope around your mouth.

''You know what ? This is not a proper witch trial if we don't humiliate her first for her sins !'' 

''I am surprised you paid attention in class !'' 

''Back off her !'' the boy ordered. You see him approach and lift his hand to your chest.

''NO ! PLEASE NO!'' you begged as he tore your shirt in half exposing your underwear. You sobbed even more.

''That is what whores like you get !'' he said and they all laughed to the scene. One of them even started unzipping his pants. Since you were a virgin it made you look away to cry more. Getting raped is the last thing you needed.

''Look at her ! How scared she got,hey ! You think I would do you the favor ?'' he said grabbing your chin,forcing you to face him.

''Mmnnmm'' is all that could escape your mouth. Along with more tears.

''Well, you wish I had, bitch !'' he said while brabbing an almost glowing hot stick from the fire making your eyes widen as it approaches your bare skin, making you howl in pain almost makig pass out as the heat carves into the middle of your chest. Please make it end soon, you wished, as you gathered every last bit of energy to summon Jason.


Here, watch Jason play with doggos to cheer you up !

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