You glanced at the clock on the wall seeing it was already 5:15 and you wanted to get at least an hour of sleep before starting again. With that in mind, you packed your things and walked out, closing the door behind you. You began walking back to the dorms, tired and needing some sleep.

Only a few metres ahead of you, you saw a familiar figure in the distance which made a smile make its way on your usually stoic face. You quickly jogged over to the male and said hello, laughing slightly at the surprised look he sported.


"Hey Channie~" you said, matching his pace as the two of you walked together. "Congratulations on your debut! I loved all the songs in the Mixtape album and District 9 was really cool," you said, complimenting his efforts.

"Oh thanks! But it's not just me, it's the other guys as well. They've worked really hard and I'm proud of the kids," He said smiling.

"It seems even after debuting you still practice until early in the morning,".

Chan looked at your expression, seeing its previous happiness fall into that of disappointment. He had been a trainee for seven years, which didn't compare to your ten years. After having known you for so long he knew how hard you worked so you could debut, and he also understood the pain of being a trainee while everyone around you debuts.

"Y/N, I'm sure you'll debut soon! You're very talented, and it'll only be a matter of time before you'll get to be on stage," he encouraged you, happy to see you brighten up a bit.

"Thank you..." you whispered, happy to have Chan as your friend.

"Anyways, how are things with Jisung?"

Your calm demeanor instantly grew irritated, as you groaned at the mention of his name. "Ugh, just the mention of his name makes me tired," you joked as you shook your head in disapproval and Chan laughed at your reaction.

"Still at it I see... You know, he talks about you a lot. During practice or breaks he'd talk about how he got closer to you and how much progress he's made in the past year. He's convinced you'll date him in five years,"

Five years is considered good progress?

"Also, when trainees talk about how you've been a training for so long, he'll start shouting at them saying you'll be the biggest star out there when you debut and everyone will finally get to see your amazing talent," Chan said laughing a bit. "He really never stops talking about you, and has this strange way of twisting the conversation to be about you. We could be eating lunch and he'd stress out, asking the other members if they think you've been eating lots of food and not skipping meals,".

You had never known he felt this way. You thought it was kind of like a joke, and that one day he'd give up. You never knew he cared so much about you.

"Say Y/N, is there any chance you would date him?" He asked after calming down and becoming serious.


"You are both my close friends, and I don't want him to get hurt or for him to bother you anymore, if you really never plan on excepting him. If there's no chance, I'll talk to him and get him to stop," he said staring at you.

You had never thought about Jisung not being there. How would it feel if it all stopped? The nagging, the jokes, the stupid pick up lines? Wouldn't your life be better without him? After all he was a distraction... Yet for some reason, a life without him just seems so dull.

You were deep in thought, your eyebrows crinkling, and your mouth in a slight frown at the thought of Han never speaking to you again and your cheeks blushing from the fact you didn't want to let him go. Chan easily understood your expression and smiled.

"I guess I'll just have to tell him to try harder,".


"Hey Y/N!"

You turned around, watching as Jisung made his way to you with a wide smile on his face. Even when he reached you, you still continued to stare at him with a judging look on your face.

"W-what's wrong? Do I have something on my face? Am I too handso-"

"Han," you interrupted him, still staring at him intently.

"Yeah?" he asked, sensing the serious aura coming off of you. You continued to stare at him, stepping closer to his face as you looked, which made him blush and lose his composure as his eyes wavered.

You suddenly pulled away, much to his disappointment and turned around with your hand to your head before turning back to look at him.

"I just don't get it,".

"What don't you get?"

"I don't get why you like me so much! You follow me around and ask me out everyday without fail, and you've been doing this for years! Each time you do this, I coldly turn you down, so I don't understand why you still continue to try!" You were genuinely confused. After hearing from Chan how much he actually liked you, you seriously didn't understand why. What made him try and try again? What was with him?

You had never seen him so happy before. He began to laugh, an uncontrollable and contagious laugh for a good ten seconds. He then looked back to you, with that wide smile he wore whenever he saw you, on his face. "Y/N, you're seriously gonna kill me! You can't act so cute like that and not warn me before hand. I could've gotten a heart attack from the adorable expression on your face,".

You stared at him shocked, not expecting this kind of reaction.

"Y/N, how could I not love you? You're so hardworking and talented! You train hard everyday with that adorable look of determination in your eyes when you practice. You're so passionate when it comes to singing, and the look of complete bliss on your face when you sing during the monthly evaluations only made me fall for you harder. Not to mention the fact that you have a cute side which you seem to hide deep under the ice barrier you hold up. I can't stop trying because I would regret it so much if someone as amazing as you slipped away from my grasp. There's honestly nothing I don't love about you,".

This time, you couldn't hold back the furious blush that made its way on your face, which only made Jisung smile wider. "O-Oh..." You whispered shyly, your usual cold demeanor slipping.

Suddenly he stumbled, bringing his hands to his eyes and rubbed them with a concerned look on his face.

"Um, are you okay?" you asked, somewhat concerned for his well being.

He groaned with a pained expression "There must be something wrong with my eyes..." He said as he took his hands off his face and stared at you, smiling.

"I can't take them off you,".

At that you instantly burst out laughing, your cold attitude had melted away at this point and you felt much more comfortable around him.

"Y/N! You just laughed didn't you?"

"No I didn't," You countered as you began to walk away with a small smile on your face.

"All this time I never realised our feelings are mutual," he joked wrapping his arm around you, which this time you didn't get rid of.

"They are not!" You shouted back, your blush continuing to grow.

"So when's our first date?"

"Seriously, shut up Jisung!"

"Oh god did you just call me by my name? You must really love me!"
Hello! This is honestly one of my favourite concepts I've written. I really like the idea of Jisung with a "cold" reader. This was the second chapter I've ever written because I was so excited, but it was actually like my 17th idea. Whenever I come up with an idea for a chapter, I write it in my draft, right now I have around 30 unpublished ideas that still haven't been written out. I write the ones that 8m really excited about or in to.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the song recommendation for today is...
Love Shake by Minx. I feel like this chapter exudes cute energy so this is why I chose this song. And if you didn't know, this group was Dreamcatcher before they debuted which I find hilarious because of the difference in style.

Thank you for reading!

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