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Jack wanted to avoid Zach at all costs. It would be hard but he could do it. He walked into the school and went straight for his first class. Sadly he had Zach in it. The worst part was they sat next to each other. Jack mentally groaned and sat in his seat.

Zach trudged in and sat next to Jack. Zach looked pissed off. Jack cowered in fear and scooted as far away from him as possible.

"I'm not going to fucking hurt, you Jack!" Zach growled making Jack flinch away. Zach tried grabbing Jack shoulder making him yelp.

"What's wrong with you Jack? I would never hurt you why are you so scared of me?" Zach asked with sadness. Jack just sat there shaking slightly. He couldn't speak. Not even to Zach. He didn't trust him anymore.

"What did I do?" Zach asked placing a hand on Jack's arm. Jack ripped his arm away and ran out of class. Zach was confused. All he had done was yell. That's it, nothing physical happened.


Jack was I'm the hall trying to catch his breath. He paced back and forth trying to clear his mind.

"Jack, why aren't you in class?" Corbyn asked confused. Jack backed away from him. He was scared of everyone. He didn't even know why. Maybe Zach yelling at him brought back so many memories from that night.

"You okay bud?" Corbyn asked walking closer to Jack. Jack whimpered in fear and tried running away. Corbyn grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"What's going on?" Daniel asked turning the corner.

"I don't know he's scared for some reason," Corbyn said watching Jack try to squirm out of his grip.

"Jack calms down," Daniel said trying to reassure him. Jack started letting sobs out. "Jack what's wrong you can talk to us," Daniel said rubbing Jack's back.

"Let go" Jack whispered. Corbyn let go watching Jack break down. Jack slid down the wall and cried.

"What happened? Do you want Zach?" Corbyn asked sitting down next to him.

"No not him" Jack said with fear. Daniel and Corbyn looked at each other confused.

"Why?" Daniel asked also sitting down.

"Hurt me" Jack whispered. He hated how his voice sounded so fragile. Like he was going to break.

"I'm going to kill that stupid-"

"No," Jack said quickly. He didn't want Zach hurt because of him.

"He hurt you?" Daniel asked quietly. He couldn't believe Zach hurt Jack. "What did he do?"

"Yelled, yelled a lot. Then he left, he left when I needed him" Jack typed into notes. His voice was already tired.

"Well, why did he yell at you?" Corbyn asked gently. Jack pointed at his forearm. Daniel let out a loud sigh. He hated that Jack did that to himself again.

"Let me see," Corbyn said firmly. He wanted to make sure Jack cleaned them properly. Jack hesitated. He slowly rolled up his sleeves. There were dozens of cuts scattered across his arms. "Jack you're going to kill yourself one day" Corbyn cried.

Neither of them expected it to be this bad. "Is there any more?" Daniel asked with tears in his eyes. Jack nodded and pointed at his thighs. "Jack this has to stop, please stop" Daniel cried.

"I'm calling Zach he is going to apologize right now," Corbyn said harshly.

"Get your stupid ass out here right now! We are by the bathrooms" Corbyn yelled into the phone.

"Stop," Jack said covering his ears. Flashbacks of that night formed in his head.

"Stupid fag! Fucking die!" His father screamed kicking Jack's sides.

"Dad please"

"Dad please stop"

"You deserve to die! Nobody will ever love a fag like you!" His dad yelled grabbing Jack's neck trying to strangle him.

"Nobody wants you in this world, Jack! I've always been disappointed in you! I've never loved you" his dad said punching Jack's chest.

Jack let a sob escape his mouth again. "Stop" Jack whispered with tears sliding down his cheeks.

Zach ran down the hall frantically. He saw Jack breaking down and the other two just watching. "Jack, what happened?" Zach asked trying to touch Jack's shoulder. Jack let out a whine. Zach pulled his hand away confused.

"Jack, what happened?" Zach said again firmly.

"Don't yell?" Jack said looking at Zach with tears streaming down his face.

"Okay just tell me," Zach said softly.

"My dad. He hurt me" Jack said softly. Zach wanted to punch a wall. He wanted to murder Jack's dad. Daniel gasped loudly. Corbyn cried harder

"Jack what did he do," Zach said sternly.

"Punched, yelled, shocked," Jack whispered out. His body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Can I hug you?" Zach asked desperately wanting to comfort him. Jack nodded letting Zach squeeze him tightly.

"Jack I'm so sorry I yelled at you," Zach said kissing his boyfriend's forehead. "I love you more than anything just please don't do this again," Zach said motioning to his legs.

Jack rested his head on Zach's shoulder. It's crazy how fast he felt better when he was with Zach.

"How long did heh-hurt you?" Daniel asked shocked.

"Only when he was really mad," Jack said softly into Zach's neck.

"He said only when he's m-mad," Zach said breaking down. Daniel cried harder hearing this. Nobody deserves that pain Jack went through.

"Why didn't you tell me, baby," Zach said rocking them back and forth. Jack couldn't answer. He knew he should have told Zach.

"Sorry" Jack whispered out. "Hate thinking about him" Zach understood and didn't ask anything else. Zach wanted to protect Jack from any harm. Especially after what he had just learned.

"If anyone messes with you ever again, I will murder them" Zach whispered to Jack. Jack nodded. He didn't want that but Zach sounded determined.

"Jonah is on his way," Corbyn said in a weak voice. "Don't worry I'll tell him" Jack nodded thankfully.


They all decided to go to Corbyn's house. His parents were never home so it was the designated place to go. They set up mattresses and pillows on the floor to make one huge bed. All 5 boys were sprawled across the bed.

Zach and Jack were cuddled up to each other. The other 3 were sprawled out next to them.

"Okay, what do you guys want to watch?" Jonah asked holding the remote. Jack shrugged. He didn't want to talk anymore. He felt worse after telling them.

"I have to tell you something," Jack said nervously from his seat on the couch.

"What is it, honey?" Jack's Dad asked turning off the TV.

"Well I think I'm gay," Jack said scared. All around his family gave him disgusted looks.

"You're a fag?" His dad asked getting up. Jack cowered in fear. He slowly nodded. Jack's dad ran at him and slammed him to the wall.

"I'm a sorry dad," Jack said trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Don't you dare say another word you fag" his dad yelled punch Jack's stomach.

Jack held back a loud sob. Zach noticed Jack's mood change. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Dad" Jack mouthed to him. Zach nodded and held Jack tight.

"He won't get you. Not ever again." Zach said kissing Jack's neck. Jack nodded and relaxed into Zach's arms.

But oh boy how wrong he had been...

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