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Jack sat there with his head on Zach, thinking about how stupid he was, how could I do this when they were here! I hate myself how am I so fucking stupid!

"Jack, you okay?" Zach questioned pulling away. Jack shook his head yes. I'm lying to him. Oh my God.

"Jack I'm going to kill Logan just so you know" Jack smiled at Zach and hugged him tighter. The boys had left them a few minutes ago. They were alone in Jack's bedroom.

I felt an odd feeling when I was with Zach. He makes me feel comfortable and not scared. It's odd to think this boy is breaking me out of the walls I'm trapped in. Slowly but surely. I want to tell him how I feel but that's moving way to fast... right?

"Do you want some food?" Zach asked kissing Jack's forehead. He shook his head no. Jack looked up at Zach he looked so perfect. The light was exposing all of his features. He looked like an angel without wings. Okay, I'm in love.

"Take a picture it will last longer," he said with a smirk. Jack giggled and punched his shoulder. He had wide eyes. He realized he just made a sound. Jack scrambled away into the bathroom and locked the door.

he started breathing heavy, gasping for air, he could feel his eyes water and, chest burn. Oh my God, I'm doing it again. Jack started sobbing silently, like the rest. I just made my first sound in years.

"Jack please let me in" Zach sounded terrified. God, I'm so sorry. Jack couldn't reach the door and his entire body was on fire. He felt himself starting to slip a little.

"Jack breath in 123 out 123, okay please be okay" Jack took his advice and slowly, started breathing normally. He sat there for a little regaining my consciousness. Jack crawled to the door and unlocked it.

"Jack what happened, are you okay, are you hurt, do we need the hospital?" Zach said hurried while holding him tight.

"I'm okay" Jack typed. He nodded griping him the same way as he had earlier. He started rocking the two back and forth.

"Jack I can't lose you," Zach said kissing him. Jack felt wet tears from the both of them.

"I love you more than anyone could understand, I know your jack avery from when we were younger, I just got you back I can't lose you already"

"L-love you too" Jack whispered stuttering in the process. Zach smiled so brightly when he said that.

"I love your voice baby," Zach said with happy tears. Jack felt comfortable with him, talking wasn't a huge deal, well just a little but now it's not. I felt content in his arms. He's held me a lot today and I love it. So this is love?


Jack walked into hell, right away Zach came running up to him. Jack gave him a fake smile and waited for the rest of the group alongside him.

"You okay?" Zach asked still concerned about the night before. Jack nod my head unconvincingly. Zach gave a small smile and gave him a side hug.

"It will be okay," he said giving Jack's forehead a small but sweet kiss. He blushed at the small action and pull away slightly. He got the memo and unwrapped his arms from around Jack. He looked to his left to see the boys walking over to them.

"Hey Zack, Jack," Jonah said standing next to the two, Daniel and Corbyn stood in front of them in one big protective group. The bell rang and they all quickly separated to get to class on time. They all walked into the first period together taking their seats. Jack sadly had to sit up front with the teacher so he could sign to her. The boys all sat in the back corner.

Jack smiled looking over at his new friends, and hopefully soon to be a boyfriend, wait for what! Where did that come from... I can't be falling for him. Nobody even knows I'm gay, I start to breathe a little heavy thinking about having to come out to people. Jack stop it! Oh my God what if he notices, I can't breathe. I felt myself trying to gasp for air. I couldn't fill the burning sensation through my lungs.


"He talked to me guys," Zach said looking at the boy across the room. He looked deep in thought, that was never good. In the time he had known the curly-headed boy, Zach realized he needs someone, I have no clue what happened to his dad. In his house they have family pictures with 3 other kids in it, I haven't dared to ask who they were.

"Really! That's amazing Zach!" Daniel said happily. He looked down and smiled brightly.

"He really is warming up to you huh," Corbyn said punching Zach's arm playfully with a slight smirk. Zach looked back a Jack who now had his eyebrows furrowed and looked in distress. Before he knew what was going on Zach starting walking over to him.

"Jack, you okay?" He looked at him a little teary-eyed and breathing heavy. Zach grabbed his hand and ran out of the room, not caring about what the teacher had to say. He pulled the boy down the hall a bit before setting him on the ground back against the blue lockers. Zach scanned the boy up and down looking for any injuries.

"What happened are you okay?" Jack nodded his head and blushed a deep red. Zach smirked to himself and shifted to sitting on his butt.

"You sure your good?" He asked once again, his breathing seemed to slow after Zach set him down almost instantly, he nodded vigorously and smiled at him. Zach laughed at the model sitting in front of him. How is he so perfect?

"You want to go back to class yet?" Jack shook his head no and stayed where he was, his eyes looked dull more dull than normal. God, I'm determined to fix this boy. I can't stand him not being happy.

I'm going to fix Jack Avery.

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