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Today is Wednesday, time to pack for hell. Jack grabbed a grey hoodie with black pants again, running his fingers through his curls. Jack lifted up his sleeve to see his arms littered in cuts from himself. He pulled out the blade and added to the collection, mostly for yesterday. Mostly. He threw the sleeves back down and walked out of the bathroom grabbing shoes and walking to school.

God if Jonah tries to get me to talk again I'll die. Jack finally gets to the school and walked to the back away from the boys trying to talk to me. Stupid decision Logan was there. I deserve it anyways.

Logan walked up to jack with his brother and started to beat him up once again.

"Hey noodles, talk for me would ya?" Logan asked getting in his face. Jack sat there silent pulling on his sleeves.

"See he's a dumb fuck!" Logan said punching and kicking him.

"Shit! Jack!" He heard someone yell. The boys ran up to Jack and pushed Logan off. Jack could tell he already had a busted lip and, another black eye. Yay! They all crowded around the jack.

"Jack, what happened?" Zach said inspecting his busted face. Jack just shrugged and looked away breaking eye contact. He could feel their stares burning Into his skin.

"Jack please we want to help you," Zach said in a low whisper. I can't let them help me. I'm solo that's how it's always been. Jack shook his head no and got off the ground holding a wince so they thought he was fine. They all sighed getting up also, extremely worried about their silent friend.

Jack decided to go to class, math with the boys. They all followed close behind trying to sense any sign of hurt in the boy. I hate this, nobody has ever noticed anything wrong and now they have. Why don't they get it, I'm fine!

"Jack please let us help you," Corbyn said pulling Jack into the boy's bathroom. No. No. No. Jack shook his head again still looking down.

"Just let us see your chest, he might have broken your rib or something," Daniel said trying to grab the hoodie.
"No get away from me" Jack signed. Corbyn sighed the rest of them were all confused.
"He said to get away from him"jack walked out of the bathroom covering up his hands with his baggy grey sleeves.

I need to get out of here. He walked outside and start the journey home. when he reached the house he ran upstairs. He threw open the door open and go straight for the bathroom.

he pulled it out and began to add to the collection, Jack didn't stop until he started getting dizzy. He pulled the sleeves down and hid it behind the mirror. Jack stumbled over to the bed and laid down falling asleep.


"Why doesn't he get we are trying to help him?" Jonah asked frustration showing clearly.

"He's scared, clearly he doesn't want to talk and we keep trying to make him," Corbyn said pointing at everyone.

"Then how do we help him?" Zach said tearily eyed. "We need to help him"

The group all ran over to Zach hugging him, Daniel rubbed his back as he broke down crying. "We will figure it out don't worry" Jonah assured.

"Do you like Jack?" Daniel questioned still rubbing his back. Zach nodded yes, Daniel smiled and hugged him again. "I completely accept you!" They all shouted. He smiled hugging all of us again.

"Okay, where do you think he went?" Jonah said trying to make a game plan.

"Home?" Corbyn asked.

"Maybe but where is that?" Daniel asked confused.

"He lives a block away from me" Zach adds in.

"Okay, but what will we do go to his house and force him to let us in?" Corbyn asked confused.

"No we will try to get him to open up again tomorrow but when he runs we follow him home," Jonah says looking between all of us.

"Deal," Zach said calming down.

"Yeah sure fine" Daniel and Corbyn both say.

"Cool its settled then," Jonah says smiling.

We all walked to math a few minutes late for class. The teacher scolded us yadda.


The boys all sat at the normal table hoping Jack would show up.

"I have a bad feeling, I think we should check on him," Zach said holding his head.

"Yeah okay," Jonah said getting up. They all walked to his car and drove to his house. Once they got there the group walked up to the front door.

"Guys its open" Jonah said pushing the door open. They all stepped inside, Walking up the stairs, all spread out around the house to look for him.

"Guys he's in here!" Zach yelled from a room down the hall. They all walked up to him seeing Jack passed out on his bed. They all took a breath and walked into the room.

"Jack wakes up" Jonah whispered shaking him. Jack slowly stirred in his bed looking at them. He jumped back and started breathing heavily.

"Shit Jack sorry bout that," Jonah said calming him down. He looked at the group with wide eyes. He started signing something, all looked over to Corbyn. "What are you guys doing here," Corbyn said for him.

"We came to check up on you," Zach said sitting on the bed next to the jack. He nodded his head and looked down curling up Into a ball, he was slightly calmer but still scared.

"Jack, can we please see what Logan did to you?" Zach asked about to cry again. Jack shook his head no and curled tighter together.

"Okay fine but at least change your shirt its covered in blood," Zach said going to his closet.

"Do you want a hoodie?" Zach asked looking at the jack. He nodded his head as Zach handed him a black hoodie.

Jack got up to give change in the bathroom limping on the way there. After a few minutes, he comes out in the black hoodie. He sat back on his bed and curled back up.

"Jack, what happened with you and Logan?" Corbyn asked him rubbing his knee. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked down again. Zach leaned over and hugged him tightly. Jack looked terrified of the embrace. He tried to scoot away from him frantically.

"Jack if you need anything just know we are okay?" Zach said pulling off of him noticing Jack's face. He nodded his head playing with his sleeves.

"Do you guys want to go back yet?" The group all nodded including Jack. We all walk out the door and Into the car. Jacks as still limping and looked really light headed. Off we went back to hell.

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