Chapter 3

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Pidge POV

I make my way to the cafeteria with a grin on my face and I know that I have it. It's a shit eating grin cuz I got a love note in my locker!

"You okay Pidge?" Hunk asks.

"I got a love note in my locker!" I say. I twirl happily and Allura smiles.

"That's great Pidge." She says.

"I know right!" I say with a big smile as I get my lunch out. Finally I see Lance come in. But what got me was him and Keith's fingers intertwined as the two swing their arms. Keith kisses Lance's cheek before they separate to each other's tables.

Lance sits down before swinging his legs over Shiros lap and leans back against Hunk.

"How are you?" Shiro asks fatherly.

"So great. I tried weed yesterday. But that's not why I'm happy, I'm happy because I have a boyfriend." He has the look of a puppy in his eyes and he looks happy for once.

"I got a love note." I say. He squeals.

"Oh my god! Lemme see!"

"Wait did you just say boyfriend?" Hunk asks. Suddenly his face goes blank. He looks down at his food.

"Just who is it?" Hunk said.

"Keith Kogane." He says with a wince.

"Klance is canon king." I say jumping up onto the table.

"Get down Pidge." Shiro warns.

"KEITH Come sit with us!" Keith looks up to the sound to his name he makes his way over. "Since when was I allowed to sit at the nerds table, wait Shiro can but I cant?" Hunk shrugs. Lance buries his head into shirt sleeve.

"If you brake up with Lance I will riot and kill everyone who dares try to break you apart klance is canon king, plus Lance deserves love!" I say with anger evalint in my voice. Keith smiles.

"I'll never hurt Lance, and I'll try not to break up with him but high school relationships never last."

"How do you explain my parents." I say.

Lances POV

Keith leaned against the brick wall with a cigarette in his mouth as a cloud of smoke wanted away. I followed him to his secret destination. He looks badass with his leather jacket but smoking is bad. He looks bothered as his bangs hang loosely in front of his eyes.

"Keith?" I say. All I have is a blue long sleeved shirt and whitewashed jeans and black carpenter boots with a black flannel tied around my waste. I shiver in the air now that it's getting colder out.

"I'm skipping school. Coming with me?" I nod my head and he hops onto his motorcycle.

"Don't forget your helmet." He hands me his red helmet and I put it on. I grab onto him tightly as he speeds off into the city, beyond that, before stopping in the middle of nowhere.

"I new I should have filled this tank on my way to school." He mutters. He kicks the dirty ground before slamming his hand down on his bike. He curses himself out.

"Keith. It's just a gas problem, I can help you fix it."

"You don't understand it's not this, this is just the straw that broke the camel's back. A lot of shit has been going on. That night we met you where drunk and I was stoned, you just saw what your heart wanted, a mysterious badass, but I'm not that I'm not good for you.

You shouldn't have said yes. Last night was the best thing that ever happened to me. Playing games, eating dinner getting high was just dumb but it was kinda fun, but it wasn't all that that made me happy. It was someone spending time with me, smiling at me, and then you kissed me under that street light like on a movie..." He pauses.

"It was the best feeling and now I can't let you go, I spent all of my life pushing people away and now I let someone in and..." He hides his face and I can hear him cry.

"Keith, you don't have to let me go, I'm here." I say. I press a kiss to his cheek but he turns to face me.

"You missed. You were supposed to-" He kisses my lips and I melt under his touch. I'm glad this is a backroad so we are hidden from society for now. His hand rests on my waist before he slowly guides me to sit on his lap as he sits against the bike. Our lips never lose sync, they move at a steady pace before Keith adds his tongue to the mix.

His tongue moves around in my mouth and it feels good, I like everything he's doing, I like where his hands are and the way he moves them, I like how his scent is the only thing I can smell, and I like how his lips move against my own.

He pulls away when I no longer have the strength to kiss him because of how it makes me feel, weak in the legs and jaw.

"No, keep going." I whisper.

His lips trail down my jaw and neck and I grab a hold his clothes and cling to him. I like how he makes me feel. Finally he stops.

"We should find gas."

Shiro's POV

"Keith? You home?" I shout. He wasn't at school for half the day and so I call him.

No answer. I call until finally it's nighttime and finally the jackass picks up.

"Heyo, heyo, it's me Keith, who's calling?"

"Your brother Shiro, where the hell are you."

"Hotel 4 cities away from here and I just had sex, I'm tired, I'll call you in the morning, and by the way I promise I won't be late to school, I'll wake up with enough time to get there."

"You had sex? Where you being safe? How many times are you gonna have sex, every time Keith, really?" I say.

"C'mon, at least it's with my boyfriend."

"You bastard! You took little innocent Lances virginity! Veronica is going to slaughter you." I warn.

"She was the one who pushed us into being together." He says before hanging up.

God, Keith really is making his hair go white with stress!


1047 words

Tell me what you like and tell me what you don't. I'm tired and I have strep throat and I have a 102.0 fever but I'm alive and my mom made me a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup and I'm hungry goodbye.

Requested by kjpxg364 in our messages cuz we where talking about some dumb ass season 8 shit like that season was shit so don't even try shit with me about it cuz I'm done.

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