Scene 48

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(Open scene at dad's house with Ron, Brandi, Ashlynn, and Jessie)
(The family is sitting in the living room)
(Enter Xsandra)

Ron: *flipping through the channels* There really isn't anything to watch on here.

Jessie: I think there should be F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reruns on channel 206.

Ron: *changes the channel to F.R.I.E.N.D.S.* Ah, yup. There it is.

Xsandra: Oorrr we could watch project runway, but I see you are too caught up in this dumb humor. I mean really?! How many times can a guy say, "How you doing?" *imitating Joey* and it still be funny?

(Joey on the tv says "How you doing?")
(Ron and Jessie laugh)

Xsandra: *facepalms*

(Ron's phone rings and he answers)

Ron: This is. ...Okay. I will be down in 20 minutes. *hangs up*

Brandi: What was that?

Ron: I have to run into the office for a little bit. Would you mind manning the fort while I'm gone?

Brandi: It's no issue to me, honey.

Ron: Perfect. See you guys soon. 

Jessie: Bye, Dad.

(Ron kisses Brandi)

Xsandra: *fake gags* Aren't there other rooms in this place that you could do that?!

(Exit Ron)

(Brandi automatically changes the channel to football)

Jessie: Hey, there were still a couple of minutes left. Would you mind switching the channel back?

Brandi: The Patriots are playing. Do you really think I was going to continue watching that shit?

Xsandra: Ugh. Why is she such a bitch?! Like, honestly it's like the girl's got 20 sticks shoved up her ass 24/7.

Jessie: Oh, um, well... I'm gonna take Ash out to meet her friend.

Brandi: Yeah. You do that.

Xsandra: Every time she opens her mouth I want to punch her straight in her bigass nose.

Jessie: Well... um, bye.

Brandi: ...

(Exit Jessie & Ashlynn)

(Change scene to Jessie's car; Jessie sits on the driver side seat & Ashlynn is sitting in the passenger seat)

Jessie: *putting her seat belt on* How did we get so lucky to have the wicked witch of the west as a stepmom?

Ashlynn: Well, thank god she isn't our actual stepmom. She's only dating dad.  

Xsandra: Not for long. Have you seen the way they've been acting? It makes me want to hurl.

Jessie: *starts the car* How does dad not see how much of a bitch she actually is?

Xsandra: Insanity.

Ashlynn: Are you going to do anything about it?

Jessie: What? like, tell dad?

Ashlynn: Yeah.

Jessie: What will that do?

Xsandra: He'd probably close her over us anyways. Like, who would actually choose you?

Jessie: I don't live at home anymore so it's not really my place. It would just be causing drama. Why don't you speak up?

Ashlynn: Do you think he'd listen to me?

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