Scene 47

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(Open scene at the hospital with York and Elenor)
(York is in a coma)
(Buzzer goes off)

Voice over the intercom: Elenor, the boy is here to talk to you.

Elenor: *presses the intercom* Send him in.

(Enter Bowie)

Bowie: Ma'am, I am genuinely sorry for what happened to your son.

Elenor: As you should be. Why are you here? Your court date isn't until next week.

Bowie: I wanted to explain myself before then.

Elenor: *sighs* Well, go ahead.

Bowie: I have a friend named Ashlynn. A while back we went to a party and your son was there. At the time she liked your son, so she was kind of blinded by that. He slipped something into her drink that night and was trying to take advantage of her after he did.

Elenor: Are you serious?!

Bowie: Yes, ma'am.

Elenor: I can't believe he did this again.

Bowie: Again?

Elenor: He has had "incidents" in the past, and I swore that if he tried anything like that ever again I would put him six feet under. I didn't raise him that way.

Bowie: He's dome this before?

Elenor: Well, not to this extent. That is disgusting.

Bowie: The night of the fight I was trying to protect my friend, she's like my sister and I didn't want your son to hurt her. I didn't mean for it to go to the extent that it did.

Elenor: I will drop the charges.

Bowie: What?

Elenor: I am the owner and organizer for a not-for-profit for women against rape and sexual assault. Imagine what I would look like if I let my own son get away with that. You did the right thing. Many people don't even try to stand up. Before this talk I just thought it was a drunken brawl, but now I see who was really at fault. When York wakes up he will be hearing about this. You were helping your friend and you shouldn't be punished for that.

Bowie: Thank you so much, ma'am. Your pardon means the world to me.

Elenor: Thank you for doing the right thing, and please tell your friend that I am greatly sorry for the actions of my son.

Bowie: I will.

Elenor: I'll call the law office and take care of everything.

Bowie: Thank you once again.

Elenor: Goodbye, Bowie.

Bowie: Goodbye, ma'am.

(Scene goes dark)
(END Scene)

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