Scene 10

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(Opens scene in Ashlynn's bedroom with Ashlynn in bed)

Ashlynn: *sits up* Ugh, I feel like shit, *hold head* What the hell did I do last night? What happened? *hungover*

Lynn: *calling from downstairs* Ashlynn! Time to go! You're gonna be late for school!

Ashlynn: *grabs head* Damn headache.

(Enter Lynn)

Lynn: Ashlynn did you not hear me? We have to go.

Ashlynn: Ma, I'm sick.

Lynn: Sure. Just like how you were sick a week ago?

Ashlynn: Mom. I am really sick.

Lynn: Come on, get up.

Ashlynn: Mom-

Lynn: Up! Now!

Ashlynn: *Stands up and immediately falls onto the ground*

Lynn: Yeesh, okay okay you're sick I get it. Just please don't fracture your skull.

Ashlynn: *face down on the floor* I. Can't. Move.

Lynn: Okay, up, here we go. *helps Ashlynn up onto her bed*

Ashlynn: Thanks, Mum. I don't feel so hot.

Lynn: Here *gives Ashlynn a small trash can*

Ashlynn: Thank- *throws up into can*

Lynn: Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?

Ashlynn: I'm sure mom.

Lynn: Well Jessie and Kelli will probably be home so if you need anything call for them.

Ashlynn: Okay, thanks, mom.

Lynn: Get better, I'll see you tonight.

Ashlynn: Bye

(Lynn exits)

Ashlynn: *Throws up in a can* I didn't even drink that much.

(Enter Jessie)

Jessie: Drink? Oh no, you didn't. I didn't know that the library serves booze.

Ashlynn: Jess, please don't tell mom.

Jessie: Don't worry I won't. This should be punishment enough for you.

Ashlynn: It is.

Jessie: So what did you have?

Ashlynn: Beer

Jessie: Man, you must have really been drinking.

Ashlynn: I only had one

Jessie: One? Well, how big was the glass?

Ashlynn: A normal solo cup.

Jessie: Even for a person like you that shouldn't cause you to feel this way. Are you sure that you only had one?

Ashlynn: Yeah, well I only remember one.

Jessie: Who was that guy who brought you home yesterday?

Ashlynn: Fin. Remember you met him a couple of night ago?

Jessie: Yeah *walks over to Ashlynn and starts checking out her arms and shoulders*

Ashlynn: What are you doing?

Jessie: Looking for any marks on you.

Ashlynn: Why would there be marks on me?

Jessie: I'm just worried if there was something in your drink that shouldn't have been there.

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