Scene 36

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(Open scene at Bowie's apartment with Bowie sitting on the couch)

(Knock on the door: Bowie switches the channel off and goes to answer the door)

(Enter Rita)

Bowie: Rita, Baby. I've missed you so much. *picks up Rita and kisses her*

Rita: I know, I know. I've missed you too. I thought I'd never see you again.

Bowie: *kisses Rita again* At least you're back now.

Rita: Well, ...

Bowie: What are you talking about?

Rita: I have a plane to catch in three hours.

Bowie: What?! Where are you going?

Rita: I have a gala to go to at Harvard University.

Bowie: You got accepted into Harvard?...

Rita: No, not for me. For this guy that my Abuela hooked me up with.

Bowie: Wait, what?

Rita: Yeah, it's this guy Roberto. I knew him from kindergarten.

Bowie: So, you just came here to tell me that you have a date with your new replacement boyfriend that your Abuela loves?

Rita: No, It's not like that.

Bowie: Oh, it's exactly like that. You agreed. You actually agreed. So, you're just gonna leave me like that, huh?

Rita: Bowie, no-

Bowie: Why don't you just run to your new little boyfriend and leave me behind?

Rita: Bo-

Bowie: Go!

Rita: I was going to tell him to back off! I was going to tell him that I was only here for you! I love you! Don't you get that?! I Only want you. Now since you don't want me here... I have a plane to catch.

Bowie: ... Ri... I-

(Exit Rita)

Bowie: *closes the door* Shit *sits back down on the couch*

(Knock on the door again)

Bowie: *walks over to the door and opens it* Ri, I'm- *notices that it is Ashlynn*

(Ashlynn enters)

(Enter Xsandra and Aleen)

Ashlynn: What were you saying, Bo?

Bowie: Nothing. Don't worry about it.

Ashlynn: Are you sure?

Bowie: Yeah. What did you come here for, Ash?

Aleen: Why do we go anywhere?

Ashlynn: You know Burton Wales, right?

Bowie: Burton Wales from 29 Dogs? Of course, I do. Who doesn't? He's like the best metal guitarist of all time.

Ashlynn: You're not going to believe what happened.

Xsandra: It's not like it's unheard of.

Bowie: You got us tickets to a show?

Ashlynn: Not exactly.

Xsandra: Even more boring.

Bowie: What then?

Ashlynn: You know my dad's new girlfriend, Brandi?

Bowie: Yeah. I remember the evil witch lady.

Xsansdra: That would be her.

Ashlynn: I met her sons yesterday.

Bowie: Unless they sold you tickets I really don't understand how this related to Burton Wales.

Ashlynn: Bowie, one of her sons is Burton Wales.

Bowie: What?!

Ashlynn: and he invited us to hang out at his Ottawa shows in a week. 

Bowie: What?!

Ashlynn: You heard me.

Bowie: We're going to Ottawa to hang out with the 29 Dogs?!

Ashlynn: For 2 weeks.

Aleen: That's too long.

Bowie: For 2 weeks?! 

Ashlynn: Yup.

Bowie: Ash, you're the best. How did this happen?

Ashlynn: I told him that you liked his music and he invited to fly us out for 2 weeks. That's basically it. He's a good guy.

Xsandra: Debatable.

Bowie: Well, yeah. He's Burton Wales.

Ashlynn: *chuckles* Okay, superfan. Just be packed up and ready to go on Tuesday, okay? I'll be here to pick you up at around noon-ish.

Bowie: I will. Thanks, Ash. You have got no idea how bad I need to get away now. When are we gonna be coming back?

Ashlynn: Around the 30th, why?

Bowie: I'm good to go. Just my court date.

Ashlynn: Court date? What court date?

Bowie: I though Alessya told you.

(Scene goes dark)

(End scene) 

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