Vanilla Yellow Youth

Start from the beginning

It could be whatever they wanted- a land of fairies and elves or an old jungle filled with prehistoric creatures! Trita and Sonya loved being in Aurora's backyard, dreaming up fantasy.

For Sonya, being with Aurora and in her home after school was a joy. It was a time to relax and play with her two best friends. Her brother, Neil, was five years older than her and at that time, very committed to his rugby. He was young still, but the private school they attended was extremely serious about picking talented players at a young age to train and coach them for the big games.

Neil was a sweetheart, much like his sister, but he was far more outgoing than Sonya. He loved her dearly, but training and friends took up most of his time.

For Trita, things were a slightly bit more complicated...

Trita's parents had divorced about two years back and at the time, the news had hit her rather hard. Trita was the only child between her parents, but with their divorce and new marriages, new siblings had entered the picture too.

Her mother, Anika, had married a wealthy stockbroker. It was well and good, but he had two children of his own that were nightmares, to put it mildly. Little Carmine and Carlos were twins and troublesome. They were a year younger than Trita and did everything in their power to make her feel left out and stupid when she didn't understand any of their inside-jokes.

To make matters worse, her father had remarried to a woman with three children of her own and they weren't much better. They were all older- Anthony was the eldest and a star cricket player, Andre was top of his class and the youngest, only two years older than Trita, was Liana; who also happened to excel in her art classes.

Their mother was an extremely driven person, but didn't take Trita very seriously whenever the little girl mentioned her love for the arts and the theatre. She always used to laugh and wave her hand to dismiss the silly notion; "Oh, please, Trita. You're too pretty. Maybe you should just try modelling. Let me see if could get you an agent. Leave the thinking to the others..."

It hurt. It did, but family life was always complicated for her and so Aurora and Sonya's homes became the place to slip away to and just think. Think and dream- even if the mere notion made others laugh at her.

Aurora loved it when her two best friends were close. It ate away at the strange feeling of emptiness she held deep within her and often, when they were all cuddled up in her room under the afternoon sun and the light smell of the ocean down below, she'd lift up her hand against the warm rays and imagine a time and a place where the three of them could slip away and fall into a fantasy forever.

The afternoon was warm and sunny, and the three little girls laughed loudly as they ran around in a big circle, chasing the wind.

"Watch out!" Sonya chuckled and swung her pink scarf through the air; "The monster's going to get you!"

Trita growled and chased after Aurora, her green eyes filled with laughter. Aurora giggled and squealed loudly; her excitement too much to hold in. "Ah! Hahaha! Keep up, monster!"

"Grr!" Trita snarled, but it sounded less menacing than she intended.

Aurora abruptly turned around and Trita nearly slammed into her, but the blonde girl caught her best friend in her arms and swung her around until they both landed on the thick grass with an oomph. "Now I got you!"

"Sons, help me!" Trita yelled out and reached her hands up to the lighter blonde to help her up from the ground, but Sonya skipped away laughing; "Nah ah! I don't want to be eaten!"

"Meanie!" Trita stuck her tongue out and Aurora tried to tickle her sides. Trita laughed loudly and rolled Aurora onto her back and chuckled evilly; "Tag! You're it!" She darted up and bolted for the large jungle gym at the end of the gardens.

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