Break Up Prank {reaction}

Start from the beginning


• quickly blinks his tears away, "Oh

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• quickly blinks his tears away, "Oh."

• clears his throat awkwardly and stands up, "Uh excuse me one second, while I just umm... kill all my members... I'll be right back."

• you then hear a few screams coming from their rooms - "WE'RE SORRY HYUNG! PLEASE FORGIVE US!!"


• takes a few seconds to process what's going on

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• takes a few seconds to process what's going on

• eventually fakes a small smile, "I knew you were up to something!"

• but he soon excuses himself to go to the bathroom - "Ah that crazy idiot, why would she scare me like that?" He mutters to himself as he quickly wipes away the tears forming in his eyes


• has to read the card a few times before he just laughs

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• has to read the card a few times before he just laughs

• "That was such a mean prank! I really believed you the whole time! When did you become such a good actor?!"

• he gives you a cute smile - "I'm so glad that you weren't being serious. But you better watch your back from now on, I'll get my revenge!"


• just stares at you for a long time so you think he's really mad

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• just stares at you for a long time so you think he's really mad

• "Yah! Is our relationship a joke to you? You think you can just play around with my feelings like that?!"

• "Jisung, I-I'm sorry I-"

• but then you stop as he suddenly cracks a smile, "Well played my friend, well played... Let the prank war begin!"



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• immediately pulls you into a long hug - "Thank goodness this was just a prank

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• immediately pulls you into a long hug - "Thank goodness this was just a prank..." he mumbles into your hair

• "I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you."

• even after a few minutes, you still see him wiping a few tears away. "Aw baby, I promise I'll never do that again." You tell him as you pull him closer for a cuddle


• cries his poor little heart out onto your shoulder as you hug him

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• cries his poor little heart out onto your shoulder as you hug him

• he's always so happy and smiley - you were definitely not expecting him to react like this

• so it just completely broke your heart and you wished that you never even did the prank

• he sniffles and pulls away - "Sorry for being such a crybaby, I just love you so much... I can't imagine a future with anyone else but you."


• doesn't seem affected by the prank at all and just laughs at you and his members - "You guys are all so stupid! I knew about the prank the whole time!"

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• doesn't seem affected by the prank at all
and just laughs at you and his members - "You guys are all so stupid! I knew about the prank the whole time!"

• you all look around confused so he explains - "Some idiot added me to your group chat named 'Let's Prank I.N' hahaha"

• everyone turns to look at Felix who replies with an embarrassed, "Oops that might have been me..."

• he grins happily - "Cute attempt though, and I love you too."


Ok this was quite a random idea of mine lol

But I just wanted to use those gifs from the mwave meet&greet bc they all had great shocked faces 😂😲

Anyways please vote + comment if you liked reading! 👍🏼👩🏻‍💻

- Lucy 💕

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