Jisung {one shot}

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A/N Inspired by Jisung who said he always wanted to go to school in Korea and wear a uniform ☺️...


Jisung's POV
After finishing up my rap lesson at the company, I glanced at the clock and realised that it was already time for school to finish. Usually I didn't have the time to go see my girlfriend Y/N at school, but since my schedule was free for the rest of the day, I decided to go and surprise her.

I put my cap and mask on before waiting outside of the school gates patiently. Eventually, a swarm of students rushed out, causing me to quickly stand on my tip-toes to try and spot her.

I smiled as I finally found her near the door. Except she stood still and kept looking into the building as if she was waiting for someone.


I immediately recognised the tall boy as he began walking next to her. To be fair, it wasn't that surprising since I already knew they were classmates this year, but I couldn't help feeling a tinge of jealousy as I realised they must spend so many hours together everyday.

I quickly ran up to join them, "Hey guys, how was school?"

"Jisung! What are you doing here?" Y/N asked grinning as she gave me a hug.

"Can't I come visit my girlfriend after a long day of work?" I asked pretending to be upset.

"Of course you can, I'm just surprised since you're usually busy practising or composing songs."

I smoothly slipped my hand into hers. "I finished early today and besides, we haven't had a proper date in ages, how about we do something tonight?" I suggested.

She smiled and nodded in agreement. "But I thought you were gonna help me study for the exam next week." Hyunjin suddenly interrupted.

"Oh yeah. Well how about you just study tonight by yourself, then I promise afterwards I'll help you on all the other nights?" She asked not wanting to disappoint her friend.

"Ok cool, thanks." He replied smiling.

Why's he smiling like that? It's just studying for an exam, no need to be that happy...

"Great, you can come back to my house tomorrow then." She told him.

No he can't.

I wasn't too pleased with the idea that they were going to be alone together every night so I quickly said, "Why don't you guys study in our dorm?"

"No offence but the guys are super loud and crazy, I don't think we'd get any work done."

"Don't worry I can kick them out if they get too annoying." I said trying to convince her.

"Ok then, that's fine. It's probably better that way, so people don't get suspicious."

"Suspicious? Why would I get suspicious? Are you two hiding something?" I blurted out suddenly.

She laughed, "Relax, I mean that your fans will think it's weird that Hyunjin's going into my house. It's less suspicious if he's just going back to his dorm."

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