Hyunjin {oneshot}

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A/N grab your popcorn everyone, it's a long one lol

Your friends always insisted on you going to the school's annual Winter Ball, but you were too embarrassed to tell them that you just couldn't afford it...

To be successful, you need to be rich or good-looking. That's just the society we live in now. Everything revolves around how many likes your photo gets, or who has the most followers, or those that can afford the highest brands.

You couldn't even afford the clothes, let alone the bag, shoes, jewellery and makeup that join on to it. Therefore, much to your friends' disappointment, your final conclusion was that you would save yourself the embarrassment by not going to the dance.

"Please come Y/N, I'm begging you! I'll help you find an outfit, and I promise to stay by your side the whole night."

You smiled to your best friend, "Thanks for the offer, but you know how much I hate these things."

"Are you really making me go all by myself? Everyone else is going with dates." She pouted.

You bit your lip as you thought carefully. Why do her guilt trips always work?

Luckily for you though, the bell rang to signal the next class starting. "Oh look at that I've gotta go, I'll text you later." You waved as you quickly headed down the corridor.

The next lesson was Chemistry where you slouched down next to your lab partner Hyunjin. "You look terrible." He mumbled as he continued to perfectly line up his books and stationary on the table.

"I know." You replied simply.

"Just thought I would remind you." He said seriously, before passing you a piece of chewing gum.

Hyunjin was an odd kid - he didn't really fit in anywhere. Remember the rich, good-looking kids? Well he definitely fit into this category. He was probably one of the most handsome guys in the school, and his family was known to be quite wealthy too. Except his quirky personality and slight social anxiety seemed to overcome all of that, and yet somehow he had also become one of your longest friends.

Besides you, he had a small friendship group consisting of gamers of various ages. They all went to different schools, but you still occasionally hung out with them on the weekends.

"So my friends keep trying to convince me to go to that stupid prom ball, or whatever it's called. I mean I feel bad for repeatedly turning them down, but it's just not my kind of thing, you understand right?" You rambled on as soon as the experiment started.

"No I don't understand." Hyunjin told you honestly. "Have you been to one of these 'prom balls' before?" He asked curiously.

You sighed, "No, I haven't."

"Then how do you know 'it's not your kind of thing' if you've never done it before?" He asked as he basically finished setting up the whole experiment by himself.

"Well, I just do... and can you please stop air-quoting everything I say?" You asked hastily, before you grabbed the test tube off of him and began pouring the liquid.

"Maybe you should try it once, you might have fun." He said as he glanced up.

"Oh not you as well, I thought you were on my side." You complained.

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