Changbin {oneshot}

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Warning: Involves a drunk Jisung + WOW references 😂

University life was harder than expected. It's not even the long lectures and the boring essays, you were more concerned about cooking and cleaning in this new independent lifestyle. You kept coming to the same supermarket everyday just because your food supply was always running out...

You were walking through one of the aisles when you noticed a guy struggling to reach something off the top shelf. You paused curiously, wondering if he was going to be able to get it, so for a moment you continued to watch from a distance as he desperately reached up for the fourth time.

You weren't usually the type of person to just suddenly interact with a random stranger. It sounds mean, but normally your introverted self would choose to walk past and ignore him, assuming that someone else would come to his rescue.

But for some reason, he really intrigued you. If you were that person, you would just get embarrassed and give up, but he just kept trying and trying until you couldn't take it any longer.

You put your basket down on the floor before reaching up next to him and grabbing the last packet of ramen. You handed it to the cute boy as he shyly smiled and thanked you.

He looked at you with such an innocent, happy expression that you couldn't help but get flustered, causing you to nod and quickly turn to leave. However a few seconds later, you heard him calling after you.

You froze on the spot, secretly hoping that he was going to ask for your number or something similar.

"You forgot your basket."


"Oh thanks!" You said embarrassed as you took it back from him, "I'm such a clumsy person."

He chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm pretty clumsy too."

You remained silent so he continued to carry the conversation by himself. "I just moved into this area a few weeks ago. I actually go to the same university as you."

"How do you know which uni I go to?" You asked surprised.

"It's written all over your hoodie." He reminded you, causing you to look down and blush once again.

He laughed a little before mumbling, "Cute."

You both arrived at the checkouts and filtered out into separate lines, and since you had bought a lot more stuff than just his one packet of ramen, you assumed that he was long gone already.

However to your surprise, when you walked out of the supermarket you saw him waiting outside.

Before you could even ask any questions he quickly blurted out, "I'm not the type of guy to usually do this, but is it ok if I get your number? I don't have many friends here yet, so I was hoping that we could keep in touch?"

"Yeah sure." You said, trying to play it off casually as you typed it into his phone.

"Thanks, I'll text you later." He grinned before waving goodbye and walking off in the opposite direction.

Later that day, you received a text which made your eyes light up again.


Hey it's Changbin from the supermarket!
The ramen was delicious btw, thanks for the help :)

Hey my name's Y/N, and no problem

I know we just met, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my housewarming party? You can bring your friends too

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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