Woojin {oneshot}

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Another woojin oneshot bc I feel like my baby's not appreciated enough...

You were lying down on the grass with your head resting on Woojin's lap, while he was sat upright leaning against a tree trunk

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You were lying down on the grass with your head resting on Woojin's lap, while he was sat upright leaning against a tree trunk. "What's your favourite food?" He asked as he softly played with your hair.

"Hmm I'm gonna have to say pepperoni pizza, what's yours?" You returned the question.

"Definitely fried chicken." He replied with a large grin.

"Of course." You chuckled, "What about your favourite drink?"

"Coke, and yours?"

You hesitated for a few seconds, wondering if you should actually tell him the truth. You were only at the first few stages of dating, so you still tried not to embarrass yourself too much...

"Ok don't laugh, but I think my favourite drink will always be apple juice." You said blushing slightly.

When he looked down and saw your serious expression, he couldn't help but let out a small giggle. You sat up and pouted, "I told you not to laugh!"

"It's not my fault you're such a cute little kid!" He teased before standing up and running away as you began chasing him around the park.

It was a fond memory the two of you shared, and you kinda missed those innocent teenage days when you were first getting to know each other. No responsibilities, no deadlines, you could just lie around for hours doing nothing together.

Luckily, you both got into the same university and had a lot more fun experiences there. Drinking, going to parties and concerts, even stressing out over part-time jobs and cramming for tests had become a nice memory for you, because you had spent all of those times with Woojin and other best friends you had made along the way.

Now, you had a new chapter of your life starting. One that your parents were definitely more excited about than you will ever be...

After pages and pages of application forms to fill out, plus a very strict interview with the manager, you had received your first official job.

And yes, your parents threw a party to celebrate, but to be honest if it wasn't for Woojin being here, no one would even have a clue that this 'party' was for you. It was much more of a small social gathering for your parents to catch up with their friends, whilst having an amazingly convenient excuse to brag about their daughter at the same time.

After thanking all of your aunties, uncles and random people you didn't really know for coming, you collapsed on the couch next to Woojin, who immediately put his arm around you.

"Thanks for coming Woojin." You mumbled into his jacket as you snuggled a bit closer to him. He was probably the only guest who you were truly grateful for.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this crazy party for anything." He said way too over-enthusiastically making you laugh.

"You know, I've really missed this." You said thoughtfully.

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