Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys, it's Karl again! I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for taking the time to read this little fic on the edge of the universe, and even commenting on it! I really appreciate your comments, and I read each and every one! Without further ado, I give you Chapter 4!

When Marinette got to school the next day, she avoided Adrien.

She couldn't stand the idea of her corny, romantic partner being the love of her life.

Even when she got into class and Adrien started to approach her, Marinette found a way out.

Just like every great friend, Alya knew exactly how to help.

She seemed suspicious at first, but then went into 'best friend mode' and found ways to help Marinette avoid him. When Adrien was paired with Marinette during gym, Alya told the gym teacher that Marinette was having a rough day and needed her best friend (which wasn't entirely untrue). When Marinette and Adrien found themselves in the same aisle at the library, Alya ushered Marinette away, loudly declaring that Marinette 'just has to read this spectacular book!'

When she got the chance, Alya asked what was wrong.

"I just had a long night in the bakery..." Marinette trailed off.

Marinette noticed Adrien approaching the teacher just before class started and remembered:

They were going to ask for another work day.

Ms. Mendeleiev waved him off with an exasperated look on her face.

Then class started.

"It has been brought to my attention that many of you have not completed your projects yet. However, if you have indeed completed your project, please raise your hand." Ms. Mendeleiev said, sending a cold gaze around the room.

No one raised their hand.

"Would anyone like to tell me why no one has finished?" she said in a deceivingly sweet tone.

There was an icy blade hidden beneath her candied words. Anyone who dared to answer would be in a world of hurt.

But not everyone got the message.

Chloe's hand waved in the air.

"I think it's because you partnered us up with the wrong people. I mean, honestly, who could possibly get anything done with him?" She whined, gesturing at Nino.

"At this point, I'm not even offended," Nino said, leaning back in his chair.

Luckily, Ms. Mendeleiev was too busy blowing up to hear his response.

"I thought that I could trust you all to be mature young adults and try to set aside you and your partner's differences! And you didn't even pause to think that maybe, just maybe, the fact that you don't normally work with the partners that you were assigned was a crucial part of the project itself!" She yelled.

She continued to rant for another 5 minutes, eventually getting into some deep stuff from her personal life.

The class just waited it out in tense silence, praying that an akuma wouldn't come.

They got VERY lucky.

Eventually, an announcement came over the intercom.

"Ms. Mendeleiev, please come to Mr. Damocles's office. Ms. Mendeleiev to Mr. Damocles's office. Thank you."

The teacher sighed, then pulled herself up from her position at her desk.

"No one. Move." She growled, casting a glare around the room.

As soon as she left, the class started talking about what had just happened.

"Oh my gosh, did you hear that?"

"Um, how couldn't I?"

"I feel kinda bad now..."

"Well, I don't! It was a hard project!"

All of a sudden, there was yelling in the distance.

Ignoring Ms. Mendeleiev's instructions, Kim went to investigate.

It seemed to be coming from Mr. Damocles's office.

The screaming spread throughout the school and grew louder and louder as the source came closer.

Kim ran screaming into the room, waving his arms around frantically.

Eventually, another person stepped into the room.

It was Ms. Mendeleiev, but not exactly.

She wore a helmet that looked like a brain, with a neon green and purple skin-tight suit, and she held a silver ray gun.

She had been akumatised, and Marinette couldn't say that she was really surprised about it.

"I am Brainiac, and because you all 'forgot' about the project, I am going to make you forget everything!" She started cackling evilly, then raised the ray gun and started firing at them.

Adrien made a dash for the doorway, and so did everyone else. Only a few of the students managed to get out unscathed, including Adrien, Marinette, Nino, Chloe, and Juleka.

Apparently, Chloe only managed to make it out by using Sabrina and Alya as human shields.

Needless to say, they all kept our distance from Chloe as they ran.

Somewhere along the way, they lost Marinette and Chloe, but they all assumed that Marinette had been running a little too close to Chloe and that Chloe hadn't been so lucky in her attempts to protect herself.

Adrien split off in search of the bathrooms, and when he got inside, he transformed into Chat Noir.

He ran out in search of the offending akuma, trying at the same time to keep an eye out for Ladybug. When he finally reached the akuma, it seemed Chat Noir was too late.

He found Ladybug lying on the floor at the feet of the akuma. She had been knocked unconscious, and the akuma was aiming her ray gun straight at her.

Chat Noir ran at the akuma, attacking her with all his might, but unfortunately, the ray of light hit Ladybug.

With a renewed fury, Chat attacked, completely forgetting about needing to find the object that the akuma was hiding in due to his blind rage.

After he had taken out most of his anger on the akuma, it took little time to find the pencil in Brainiac's pocket where the akuma was hiding and break it.

Chat Noir had used his Cataclysm a while ago- he couldn't quite remember when- so he was running low on time before he would de-transform, but he didn't care. All he cared about was helping Ladybug.

He shook her a few times, his heart beating quickly in his chest. Suddenly, Ladybug's eyes fluttered open.

"Chat?" She asked weakly. "What's going on?"

"Quickly, M'Lady, you need to catch the akuma!" The evil butterfly was attempting to escape, fluttering its way over to the open window.

Ladybug swung her yo-yo, catching the akuma inside it, not having the strength to say any of her signature catchphrases, except for the last one: "Miraculous Ladybug," she said weakly.

Then she fainted.

Chat Noir's miraculous beeped, telling him he only had two minutes. He still didn't care.

"M'Lady, are you okay?" He said cautiously, running over to her.

Chat Noir's miraculous timed out.

The last thing Ladybug would remember before she passed out again was Chat Noir, hurrying over and looking worried, saying something she couldn't hear, then a huge flash of green light, and then Adrien stood where Chat Noir was.


Then she fainted, from shock or exhaustion, she'd never know.

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