0 to 100 Real Quick (Part 2 of 3)

Start from the beginning

"As opposed from Painting?"

I smile, "Nothing is opposed to painting, but then again I can't play."

Smiling Harry says, "I can teach you."


He nods as he picks up two cups of punch and hands me one.

"I'll be down with that."

"Oh you'll be down with that?" he smiles as he takes a step towards me as he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me to him. Sitting my cup down to stop before I spilled on both of us I nod.

Harry looks down at me as he says, "Why are you so damn beautiful?"

I blushed, "I was going to ask you the same thing."

Harry eyes searches mine for a second before he leans down and presses his lips against mine. Energy instantly surged between us as I noticed the shift in the air. Raising a hand I gripped it at the nape of his neck, pulling him more to me as someone calls his name.

"Damn it," he whispers against my lips as he turns around to see Carter standing there.

"Sup, kid." Says Carter.

"What do you want?" asked Harry not hiding the irritation in his voice.

"Oh you know, just wanted to chat, tell you about how well you did at the game."

"And you couldn't have waited?"

As they begin to go back in forth with their conversation I go to turn around to grab my cup and to grab one of the random Halloween decorated cupcake when out of nowhere juice was tossed at me. Gasping I dropped my cup as I hear who I assumed was Taylor say, "Just because you're with him, doesn't make you any less of a freak."

Tears stung my eyes as I wipe furiously at my face.

"Pebbles," Harry says as he instantly grabs my arm and hands me a napkin.

Shaking my head I turn and race out the room, avoiding the snickering and the glances that I was receiving from around the room.


Rushing into the bathroom from around the corner I go in and lock the door, not letting Harry follow me in.

"Pebbles," he says as he knocks on the door.

Running the water I fill my trembling hands up as I cry and attempt to rinse the punch from my face.

"Pebbles," I hear Harry call again as he knocks.

"I'm fine!" I cry out as I grab paper down to try my face.

"You're not," he says, "Let me in."

Shaking my head I glance down at my ruined dress as he knocks again and I could feel him entering my mind, Pebbles please open up.

Wiping the tears from my eyes I slowly walk to the doors as I unlock it and open it.

Leaning against the wall Harry stands and looks at me as I drop my hands down to my side and cry, "I don't know why she does things like this."

"It's because she's jealous of you." Harry stays stepping in front of me.

"She has nothing to be jealous of," I sniff, my breathing harsh as I backing inside, "She's cheer Captain and I'm the little nobody on the bleachers." (Sorry I had to)

"Pebbles," Harry takes my face into his hands as he says, "You aren't nobody, Hey," Looking up at him he says, "You're somebody to me."

A tear falls down my cheek as seconds later Harry kisses me. Like full on kisses me. His hands finds its way to my waist as he pulls my waist to his. My hands automatically go around his neck as I tangle my hands into hair. My lips part following his as he picks me up and walks me over to the sink. I could taste the salt from my tears and a part of me wonder if he could too. Sitting me on top of the sink he knocks his hat off my hair as his hand cups the side of my face. The room began to spin as everything blurred. Air picked up blowing my hair as I moaned into the kiss. I could hear the door open as I hear a girl squeal and says, "Holy shit, I'm sorry."

Harry was the first to start laughing, as we broke the kiss. My forehead was pressed against his as I shook my head, "What was that about?"

"Well," he saw pulling back from me, "You were upset, and I could tell you were ignoring me so I figured I do something to sidetrack you a bit."

Licking my lips I smirked, wiping the corner of my mouth as I say breathless, "That escaladed pretty quickly."

He nods as he stands up straight still holding me, "I don't like seeing you upset Pebbles, but you have to realize the only reason Taylor does that to you is because you let her. Stop giving her that leeway and she'll stop acting like you are her doormat."

I look down as I say, "She ruined my dress."

Harry smiles as he says, "I have a pair of Joggers and a jumper in my trunk. Do you want me to get them?"

I nod, "Please."

Kissing my forehead he stands me back on the floor as he says, "Give me 5 minutes." I nod as he picks up his hat and places it back on my head.

"Can you tell Charlotte to come here if you see her?"

He nods as he turns and heads for the door.

Turning around I looked into the mirror as I took a breath, I could still feel Harry's lips on mine as I touch them. Smiling like a excited 3 year old in a candy house, I turn back on the water and wet a few pieces of paper towel to wipe the red punch from my neck as the door opens.

"Well that was fast." I say not looking away from the mirror.

The door closes as a cold shiver runs over me.

"Well, well, well, it looks like my lucky night."

Turning towards the door, my eyes widen as I took a step back as I opened my mouth to yell.

"Har-"crossing the distance in less than a second, Rick's hand covered my mouth as he says, "How about we go for a ride?"

Struggling against him his grip tightens as he turns me to press my back against his front. Something sharp stabbed in my neck as I cried out when he says, "It'll all be over soon darlin."

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