Chapter 38

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When I woke up I had a huge smile on my face. Yesterday was magical, the moans, the pleasure and last but not least the love.
I just cant't belive how much I love this boy lying on my chest. He is just wonderful and beautiful.

I feel him stirring in his sleep telling me he's waking up.

"Morning angel" I whisper in his ear, I feel him shivering making me smirk.

"Morning handsome, yesterday was amazing" his voice in the morning was to die for.

"I love you" I said while studying his face

"I love you too" love...that's all I heard in his voice, that angelic voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I know, I know. Short a*s chapther. But I'm working on making a loooooonnnnggg one so.
Just hold on;)



<3 Emilie

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