chapter 28

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My head hurts like hell, what the fu*ck happend last night.
I rolled over in my bed, but wait a minute. This isn't my bed!!!!!! Omg what did I do last night. When I turned my head I saw a lot of blond hair. I quickly jumped of the bed and got my clothes on, I called a cab and was out of there fast.

What am I gonna tell Liam. Wait me and Liam isn't together anymore. Fuccckkk, I need to eat to clear my head.


I woke up by my bed moving and a loud bang of my bedroom and front door closing.
I groaned and got out of bed, I went to the kitchen and begun boiling the water for my tea. Last nigth was one of the best one night stands ever, he was like a God.

I went to the living room with my tea and thought about last night, it was magical. I think I got his number.

I checked my phone and saw I had a new contact named 'handsome', must be him.
I begun texting him. I don't know why, I have never text a one night stand before.

To handsome
Hi, it's me niall!

From handsome

To handsome
Wanna meet up?

From handsome
Um.. maybe some other time

To handsome
Oh okay sure ttyl

From handsome

I know I make really short chapthers. And I know I haven't update in like a 10000 years buy here you go.
Ps I know it's bad



<3 Emilie

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