Chapter 19

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I was sitting in my room just looking through my commends and I found myself smiling, my fans + phones is no good.

But to be honest I like this new kind of Powers I have, it makes the adrenaline rise in me.


"yes mom?"

"dinner is ready!"



I can't belive Harry has a boyfriend, he's the only reason I turned bi. To be honest I have liked Harry more than a friend since the day I met him, he was so sweet and shy.


I was just dancing and having fun when a tap on my sholder woke me up from thinking about my newest photoshoot.

I turned around and saw the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had Beautiful forest green eyes, and chocolate brown cruly hair that where schooped back with the help by a bandana. He was just the most Beautiful boy ever. What...Wait...What...did i just say a boy where Beautiful, nooooo i don't think so.

"Hi, i'm Harry. You don't know me but I'm a huge fan"

omg! This is Harry, the instagram boy that has that weird crush on me? Wow he's more Beautiful in real life, stop it Louis, you love Eleanor. But his Voice, damn.

"Hi, yeah you're the guy from instagram"


"Don't need to be nervous love, i don't bite"

haha mabye not now but in b- wait what.

"haha no i guess so"

"so you want to hang?"

"I would love to, but I need to get back to niall. Um c-can i get a picture?"


I smiled to the camera and that was all i saw of him that night

*end of flashback*

Wait! Niall as in the niall that took my Harry, wait did i just call harry mine. Oh whatever I like him and the night I first met him could be the beginning of their love story. I just wanted to go to bed and cry it all better, i was gonna ask Harry out the day he announced him and Niall was dating, I feel sick I just want to die.

So I got a little tired of the instagram style sooo:)))



And whatever

<3 Emilie

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