Chapter Six

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Five days passed and I handed Coral the thesis paper I promised during Saturday night just by our back yard. Today's Sunday, after church I hurried to the local library so I can read what Coral researched in peace; without Luke or mom finding out what I was up to. As I was there, I started to read what's quiet an interesting and almost impossible story.

Lucius Collins is Lucius Haile, clearly stated on all of his birth documents. Now I understand the secret about his name. How can a single person bring two names and still be legally considered? It sounds so fraudulent.

Lucius Haile was born in Washington D.C. while Lucius Collins was born in London, United Kingdom. Strangely, the names of the parents are different and even the birthdays and age because Lucius Haile is nineteen years old. This is confusing, the information are different except Lucius. How am I supposed to tell which one he is? 

I put down the papers and started to have doubts. His face just flashed before my eyes and I was forced to stare at the open space imagining I was staring at him, his face, his eyes. I hastily shook my head and closed my eyes, it's because every time I imagine him it's not like the stereotypes drug addicts receive, I see him in between an angel and the devil; debating to myself which one he is but when the heart wants something, everything you see becomes pleasant. Terrifying but beautiful. 

I went home frustrated to only find a single piece of his identity and that's his name but what's interesting are the things Coral told me about Luke's information being intentionally obliterated. It means someone was trying to eradicate his whole existence but who? 

Still the important thing was finding out why he became a drug addict. Those information can help Dad fill the holes to get Lucius to recover. At least, for me, that's the only way. 

Luke was quiet as usual. He always had been since he first came here. It was mom's turn to cook dinner since she doesn't have duties during Sundays so I set this as an opportunity to sit with Lucius outside.

"I found out a secret" I said, looking nervously onto him.

Luke grinned like he had anticipated I'd say it, "I knew you'd do that" he said.

"So you know I'd search?" I sneered.

He nodded and flashed that playful grin once again, "Now that you know who I am, what are you planning to do?" he asked.

I sighed deeply, why does he even ask? I can't even whine about it but I started having doubts about him; "I don't want to wake up one day wishing I never knew you" I said, "So please don't make me and my family regret letting you into our lives"

He licked his lips as he turned his body to me, his knees are nearly touching the side of my thigh. I felt tensed by the brief connection that even at the slightest touch my body's getting weak. His swollen lips somehow healed and the scratches on the side of his face are almost disappearing. His face was clearer, brighter, and somewhat new.

With his V-neck shirt I noticed the tattoo on his chest but I don't understand what it is. I wonder how many tattoos he had and why he got them. He turned his skin into a canvas and I don't have anything against him having those tattoos, it's just that I wished he could've stayed clean.

"Why would I make you regret it?" he asked.

"I don't know who you are and what you can do" I replied, "Are you Lucius Haile or are you Lucius Collins? Which is the real you?" I asked. 

Luke swallowed as he looked away from me with sad eyes. "I am both" he said softly. "Please trust me" My heart melted as he looked at me with the gentlest, pure expression of sincerity but how can I trust him if he couldn't tell me everything? Should I make him trust me first before he can tell me the truth without hesitation? How can I trust something I couldn't even understand?

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