Being Friends With Winston Includes:

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Prepare for many banana and peanut butter snacking sessions

He'll ask you to help him during work sometimes, like running errands for him and getting him items or helping him clean up

Gorilla nose-boops and Eskimo kisses

Not even in any sort of romantic way like this is just being friends with him

Like he knows he's a cute fluffy monkey-friend

If you ruffle his fur he will ruffle your hair

If you boop his nose he will boop yours back

You hug? He hug.

Monkey see, monkey do basically

He likes not being alone in his lab all the time with only his AI assistant and strongly appreciates the fact you want to be friends with him

If you have glasses as well, expect random glasses trades to see who's blinder

Piggybacks around his lab while he works and doesn't need your help atm are welcomed and encouraged

Like I said, he just really enjoys the company

You have to force him to take breaks sometimes

If it's a nighttime break, stargazing will probably ensue

He likes to talk about his moon adventures with you

Basically life story swap time

Furniture forts

Like he takes his smarts and stuffs them into this task

These are not pillow-blanket forts these are furniture palaces

Then you'll take turns picking movies/shows to watch

While you want something casual and goofy, he'll probably want documentaries

Again, this is only if you can manage to get him to take a break

Busy monkey is busy

Also Tracer and Emily may get invited to these parties at times

Being friends with Winston automatically causes you to be friends with Tracer as well <D

She is also very grateful Winston is getting more friends

Stressed monkey is stressed

He's also one of those people who tries to make jokes but they're usually jokes only geniuses will get and everyone else gets confused by them

It's funny to watch him try to explain it once you don't get it though, so you laugh anyway

Then he laughs because you laugh and he's just like "look at my little normal human friend they're so happy this is nice"

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