Being Friends With D.Va Includes:

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Gaming sessions

Like they sometimes last for days

It's not an addiction, you guys can stop whenever you want

I said whenever you want, not when Mercy tells you that you have a mission

It's right after this match, I swear

Totally inseparable

You link arms while you walk

You're both so close to each other all the time

You share food, drinks, clothes, games, gaming systems, everything

Constant sleepovers

You guys basically live together

Majorly cheesy, overdramatic flirting

You guys get sick at the same time, even when you're not around each other (which is rarer than a living dinosaur)

And healthy at the same time

Hungry at the same time

She gets tired earlier than you and more often but everything else is on point

You'll point out people you find cute to each other while out and about

Dirty jokes and puns 24/7

Some people may think you're actually dating

Y'all laugh at this

But you do use that as a cover story if people are creeping on you

You basically have a telepathic link

Entire elaborate conversations with just facial expressions and hand gestures

She sometimes gets overexcited about things and you need to calm her down

And vice versa

D.Va flirts with everyone all the time constantly

You sometimes join in

It's always interesting and wonderful and party with this girl

She loves you like you're her entire family

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