Being Friends With McCree Includes:

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Movies on quiet days

Old Westerns (and musicals if you're really good friends; he doesn't let just anyone know about his love for musicals)

Pranks on each other and others

Out-pranking each other

Casual flirting

Jesse's a lil shit

"Whoever falls in love first loses"

Out Southern-ing each other



"... You didn't say anything"

"Neither do you whenever you open your mouth limit your apostrophe usage in your words, Jesse"

Also shooting and self-defense classes that are not optional because he doesn't want his friend bean getting hurt

If/When you're strong enough, surprise arm wrestling matches

"Jesse it's 3 am"

"Surprise arm wrassling!"

"Jesse get out"

"Wrassle me first!"

"Jesse how did you get in here"

"C'mon, let's arm wrassle!"

"Jesse are you drunk"

Out-drinking each other (not exclusive to alcoholic beverages)

You're both each other's designated driver when drinking (if you do); when you drink together you either pester one of your other buddies or get a room together, resulting in the two of you crashing in weird places (ex. you wake up to fin Jesse in the hotel bathtub)

Out-eating each other

This man has a bottomless stomach, though, so beware

Basically everything is a competition

Piggy back rides

Serape hugs

He is probably taller than you so he gets things from the top shelves for you

He will cook for you anytime you ask

But only his dishes

"Grilled cheese"

"We are havin' pulled pork sandwiches and you ain't gonna change m'mind"

"I will change your 'm'mind' after you get my foot up your ass"

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