Being Friends With Genji Includes:

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He's overall a friendly person when you first meet (probably at your first meditation class with your new master Zenyatta)

He's definitely never unfriendly but he's not particularly interested in becoming friends at first

It takes Zenyatta confronting him about it for him to really start interacting with you (probably because you mentioned your worries of being disliked to your new master)

It's all uphill from there

You never treat him (or Zenyatta) as anything other than people

You don't even ask about his cyborg body

You are quite interested in his shurikens and katana though

He lets you look at them and even teaches you how to handle/use them when Zen's not around

One day you're having a conversation and accidentally slip up and mention him being an omnic

Wait, an omnic???

He's so genuinely surprised that he forgets he should upset and suddenly closed off about the comment

Instead he starts laughing

He doesn't sound or look quite like an omnic how did you come up with this

You were greatly embarrassed and worried about mentioning it but now you're just confused

Like, why is he laughing I don't get it ???

This is the most calm and happy you've seen him since you've been here though

So you laugh too

Once things calm down you decide to forget about it until he suddenly mentions in the silence that he's actually a cyborg

You're surprised and amazed and quite interested in this new development but you notice that he's gotten somber

So you just smile, let out a little "hm," and go back to the pleasant silence

You've surprised him a second time so soon

You're not curious as to how???

This is new???

You are interesting??

So he sits in pleasant silence again as well


"Thank you for becoming my friend, Genji"

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