Being Friends With Tracer Includes:

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This woman is a precious gift to the world with a fiery soul

I love her that's not a headcanon I just love her with all my body and heart

She's the most outgoing, friendly, big-hearted, sweetest lass ever and just about everybody loves her

Sometimes you don't even know why she chose to be friends with you

But she has a sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth sense all dedicated to emotion (or at least it seems that way)

Like you show the tiniest inkling of not being yourself and she will jump on that shit

If you've been bullied/abused, she's ready to hunt whoever hurt you down and d e str oy them

If you're insecure she will lather you with the most genuine, if not a bit outrageous, compliments known to man

And some compliments that only a dork like her could ever come up with

If you lost someone important to you (death in the family, a good friendship broke off, a breakup) she's already at your doorstep with movies and blankets and candy and video game and ice cream before you even mention it to her

This woman is an angel, I swear

While her romantic relationship with Emily is in progress, that will never get in the way

Tbh, Emily's a sweetheart too and will probably help Lena stuff everything into an overnight bag so she can stay the night at your place and comfort you

She's insecure and sad about her own stuff but it never shows

You can ask Emily though; she'll tell you all about it

If you confront Tracer about it, she's a terrible liar and will probably crack like an egg real quick

It's fine though, then ya'll can just chill out and talk about everything together

She doesn't dwell on sadness or the past very long and you guys often end up going to amusement parks, to the regular park (competition to see who can swing the highest, anyone?), to carnivals, to those stargazing dome places with a name I can't remember

She also loves the beach

Squirt gun fights

Who can get more sunburned faster?

Who can hold their breath under water longer?

Collecting pretty stones and shells and things to show each other

Water wings because Lena isn't actually the best swimmer

She's decent though

Also she will probably make you go shopping with her

She tries to buy you little things that she thinks will look good on you

She'll ask your advice on gifts for Emily

If you live far away, she'll use it as an excuse to take a trip with Emily and sometimes all three of you will just hang out

She gets so excited when you two get along

Like Tracer stop jumping around plz you'll disappear in time and space just calm down

She might leave you and Emily alone, then hide somewhere and eavesdrop to see if you talk about her

You usually do

Mostly about how she's a dork

She'll give herself away by giggling so hard that she snorts and knocks whatever she's hiding behind over

She's also a shitty prankster because of this

But she tries

She's high-key into dubstep and your weekends will probably consist of listening to it while screaming into your headsets during video game sessions

These are usually against D.Va and Lucio

They usually win

It's fine though because it's all just good fun

She's just a puppy of a woman tbh

Ya'll are like siblings

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