Being Friends With Hanzo Includes:

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You probably literally ran into him on the streets of Japan and he kept you from faceplanting by... you know, falling first

He could tell the difference between an attack and a klutz and you were definitely just the second one

The current position didn't strike him as awkward in the slightest; he just wanted to know if you were okay

You on the other hand


You jump up and try to help him up

He's heavy though

He has to help himself up

He also has to calm you down and stop you from apologizing

It was an accident, no big deal

You think it's a big deal

You introduce yourself and ask if he's okay

He's fine and does the same to you

"I'm not the one with a scraped cheek"


His cheek is bleeding

You start apologizing again and offer to help him somewhere

He says he's fine and that the tea house he was heading to is close

You go with him anyway because you were trying to find a place to hang out and do work anyway

So you go to the tea house together and he offers to help you with your work, depending on what it is

He knows how work can be a private thing sometimes

You don't mind

This becomes a biweekly routine of sorts because you have loads of work and he often hangs out at this particular tea house (it's close to the his former home so why not)

You eventually start inviting him to different things and he accepts just to be polite at first

Once you invited him to do some gaming and o h n o he is h e l l a competitive

You guys often have competitions about... everything

Everything is a competition

Once you had a competition to see who could drink the most tea

He usually wins these competitions

If you ever win, he's usually chill about it and actually proud of you (depending on what it is), which is always a weird other side to see right after the competitiveness

You also eventually find out that he's kind of an adrenaline junkie

You did not expect either of these things when you first met him

Oh, and you get archery lessons if you ask then probably archery competitions

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