Chapter Six - Saying Goodbye

Start from the beginning

“Oh I think you know who he is, dad…”

My father’s face scrunched up, confused by what I said. “Really? I know him?”

I nodded. “C’mon, dad.” I tried being as casual as possible. “Don’t you remember Liam? Liam Payne – that boy… that was a friend of mine when we stayed in Wolverhampton?”

My father’s eyes widened. “Bless the Lord… you’ve grown so much! The little tyke that played with son… who would’ve thought you’d grow up to be a very handsome lad!” Liam started easing up a little, his face slowly turning red.

Okay, the encounter went well. Now I just needed the chance to tell him… Between Louis humming on the couch, Harry singing in the bathroom, and my father’s continuous remarks that made Liam blush even more and making him more adorable, my head was trying real hard to find the solution and answer to current problem. Was this the right time? Should I get him alone and have a deep talk with him? Or should I ever tell him at all?

“By the way, Niall, what’s he doing here? Were you having a sleepover?” Moments from last night flashed in my head and I could tell that I was turning pink. A sleepover? Maybe… if you consider that a sleepover. My father’s eyes narrowed, his stare burrowing down, digging deeper into the meaning of my reaction. “Did I miss something, Niall?”

“I – I…” My quick glance at Liam wasn’t missed by my father as well.

“Young man…” my father shifted his attention to Liam, who was now fully aware of what was happening. “…might I have a word with you… in private?” The color drained out of Liam’s face and he silently followed dad to the kitchen. I was right. He did see through me. My only wish was that everything would be fine. Would it though? I certainly hope so.

I slumped onto the couch, making my head rest on Louis’ shoulder as he was watching tv. “Something wrong, Nialler?” he frowned.

“I’m doomed.” I replied grimly.

Louis chuckled, brushing his hand softly on my hair. “Don’t worry so much, Nialler. Your dad will see that Liam’s a great guy… Just stay calm.”

“But I can’t stay calm! What if he doesn’t like Liam… he’s met him only once during our stay in Wolverhampton. What makes you think –”

“Niall, please…” Louis cut me off, his blue eyes looking down on me. “Can’t you have a little faith? I mean this is just like when I introduced Harry to my mum. I was a little worried but I assured myself that Harry would charm his way into my mother’s heart, just like he charmed his way into mine.”

Harry dropped off on the couch beside Louis. “I heard that! That’s the sweetest thing, Lou…” They stared at each other for a moment but broke it when I coughed. “Anyway,” started Harry, “If it will soothe your worrying heart a little, I think I heard your father say that he’ll be happy whoever you end up with…”

I was starting to feel lighter until he added some more.

“…and then his voice got a bit darker and I don’t know what’s happening right now.”

The muffled voices in the kitchen still got me a bit on the edge. Until they emerged from there, my father’s face was blank – no expression at all, I’m telling you; Liam’s face was different, his seem to glow in some way I can’t explain. He looked up to me and smiled. His hands were both on his back, and I can see him biting his lower lip.

“Dad?” My father turned to me. His facial expression changed into a smile. He coughed and tucked his hands into his pocket.

“Well, we talked, Niall…” My anticipation grew, waiting for his lips to move again and say his verdict – whether it was good or bad. His eyes turned to Louis, which seemed a bit odd, “Why don’t we leave the two of them for a while? Maybe you could show me the neighborhood on the way to the nearest Nando’s… Perhaps we can take home some Peri Peri Chicken…”

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