.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} [9]

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Chapter 9

"Ah, what are you going to do for the art project, Eri-kun?"

Eri looked over to her customer with cropped to chin length black hair as she sipped her cup of tea. She placed the cup on its saucer she had in her hand. 

"I'm not for sure, to be honest." She answered her customer, "But I do know I'm either going to water paint it or oil paint it."

"I thought you were going to draw your art project." Another one of her customers with long brunette hair in braids said.

She turned to that customer. "I've noticed that I've been doing a lot of lead based work, so I thought I could try a different form. It's always nice to expand on what I know."

"That's so amazing, Eri-kun."

"Is it really?" Eri smiled a little at her customers' statement. 

"Oh look! The twins are playing "Which on is Hikaru" game." Eri's customer with short black hair said.

Eri turned around slightly to see the twins with checkered hats on their heads as they shuffled themselves in front of their guests.  One of their customers took a guess and the twins said she was wrong.

"Since the twins are identical, it's hard to tell them apart when their have their bangs covered." Eri's customer with long brown hair stated. 

"Well, can't you tell how different they are with their actions?" Eri questioned.

"Maybe, but they act so a like it's hard to distinguish them."

Eri turned towards her. "I don't think that. Even if they look a like, they're still two different people."

"Then can you tell them apart, Eri-kun?" Her customer with short black hair asked.

Eri shook her head. "Not really. At times, yeah. But it's more of a guess at that time."

Before one of her customers could continue on the conversation, Tamaki burst through the club doors.

"HIKARU! KAORU!" Tamaki shouted as he approached the twins at their small table in the club room. "I left both of you in charge of the club's website because you promised to take it seriously."

The twins, who were with Haruhi, looked at him with half lidded eyes. 

"We were taking it seriously." One of the twins said as they raised their hands and made a wave-like motion with them towards Tamaki.

"We were up till dawn working on it." The other twins explained, copying what his twin was doing.

"And THIS is the screen you made?!" Tamaki fumed as he shoved a laptop in their faces. 

Curious to what was on the laptop, Eri, along with the other members came over Tamaki and looked at the laptop screen. Her eyes widened in shock at what she saw. The girls squealed at the screen on the Host Club homepage. It was a picture of what looked like Haruhi shirtless! 

"Haru-chan, you look great!" Honey said in amazement. 

Eri turned towards Haruhi, wanting to ask if this was a real picture, but stopped when she saw Haruhi looking like her soul was flying out of her body. She turned back to the laptop screen and looked at it again before realizing it must have been a photoshopped picture. Haruhi was a girl, she had boobs and wasn't really that muscular. Eri hit the side of her head with the bottom palm of her hand slightly for forgetting this. 

"Just what do you take other people to be?" Haruhi questioned the twins with slight annoyance in her voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" The twins smirked as they wrapped an arm around each other. "Toys."

.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now