.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} [4]

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Chapter 4

Eri waited outside of Haruhi's classroom and soon spotted her, the twins weren't around her this time even though they were in her class and were always with her,. Haruhi saw her by the door and she waved her over.

"Sonoda-senpai," Haruhi said,  "What are you doing here?"

"Tamaki-san told me to wait for you and head over to the club with you." Eri explained..

"Really?" Haruhi tilted her head while Eri nodded.

"Honestly, I don't know what he's planning." Eri started to walk with her friend. "All of them seem pretty shocked at lunch. Do you think they're worrying about our secret getting out?"

Haruhi cupped her chin. "Probably."

Eri sighed.  "Well, lets just hurry and see what Tamaki-san has for us."



"Sorry we're late." Haruhi said before she was suddenly grabbed by Tamaki by the shoulders.

Tamaki then said to her  "Don't worry Haruhi! And don't you worry too Eri-chan!" He jerked his head over to you.

"Who said I was worrying?" She said flatly.

"Today, both of your secrets about being a girl will be protected by us!" Tamaki continued on, turning his head back to Haruhi. "So please stay as our very own princesses!"

"Uhm...Okay...?" Haruhi didn't expect Tamaki to act this way and just agreed..

Tamaki then looked over to Eri. "And your answer Eri-chan?!"

"S-sure...?" She agreed as well.


"Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai...what are you two doing?" Eri questioned as both of her senpais walked out of the changing rooms in doctor uniforms.

"Simple, Eri-chan!" Honey said. "We are going to protect Haruhi's and your gender! And in order to do so we are infiltrating the exams wearing these!" Honey had a serious glint in his eyes. "No one will know!" He then smiled.

A bead of sweat ran down her head as she just weakly smiled at Honey.. "O-okay then.... 'No doubt they're going to stick out like a sore thumb...'"

Eri sighed one more time before noticing Mori's tie was not tied correctly.

"Mori-senpai, your tie is done wrong." She walked up to him and started to fix his tie.

"But Eri-chan, I did that myself!" Honey stated.

She looked at him with a smile and noticed his was done wrong too. "Well, it was a nice try, Honey-senpai, but you do it like this." Eri then leaned down to his height and fixed his crooked tie. "With more practice you'll be great at it."

Honey pouted but then smiled again. Eri soon followed the two out of the room and into the examinations area.

"Hey, Honey-senpai." Eri said.

"Yeah?" Honey said to her. "What is it?"

"What's the plan of keeping Fujioka-san's and my gender a secret?"

"I can't tell you and neither can Takeshi." He smiled.

Eri raised an eyebrow and then decided to look out the windows as they passed them walking down the hall. She wondered if she should really trust the plans her host guys thought up of. The three of them soon reached the exam area and Mori and Honey opened the doors. And it was a big surprise for Eri to see hundreds and hundreds of doctors and nurses.

.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora