.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} [2]

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Chapter 2

Eri blinked, wondering what just happened. She looked at her feet and saw the petals that flew at her before she looked back up to the group of boys that stood together in the middle of the room. The group consisted of auburn haired twins standing next to each other with matching golden brown eyes, a black haired boy with glasses over his onyx eyes stood off to the side of a blonde haired, violet eyed boy that sat in a plush arm chair in the center of the group, a brown haired boy with matching brown eyes stood next to him and Mitsukuni and Takashi stood next to the brown haired boy.

Wait a minute. 

"Mi-Mitsukuni-san? Takashi-san?" Eri said, staring in confusion at the two boys that had helped her find the office a while ago. She took a few steps forward, not believing Mitsukuni and Takashi were in the group of boys that seemed to have a faint air of charm around them. "What are you two doing here?"

"Eri-chan! Hey Takashi-kun!" Mitsukuni said with a smile as he turned towards Takashi, "It's the girl we helped in the hall!"

Takashi simply nodded.

"Who's this? Do you know her Honey-senpai?" One of the twins asked, looking down at Mitsukuni which Eri guessed was his nickname.

"I've never seen her before. Is she new?" The other questioned, doing the same as the other twin.

"Well, of course she is you two." The black haired, glasses wearing boy answered as "Honey" nodded. "She's the new student, Sonoda Eri."

"A new student? Welcome then Princess!" The blond haired boy said, getting up from his arm chair and spreading his arms out. He walked over to Eri and then bowed in front of her. "We are the Ouran Host Club and we are here to entertain lovely ladies like yourself."

"A...Host Club...?" Eri said slowly, letting his words sink into her head. She then backed up, her hands up defensively. "I-I didn't mean to come in here! I thought this was an ordinary music classroo-"

She didn't really expect a room that was labeled "Third Music Room" to be an actual host club. And she didn't want the boys before her to think she came in here on her own accord so as she was backing up, making distance between her and the group as she tried to explain herself, she had suddenly ran into something. She turned her head just in time to see that something fall off its pillar and smash into a million pieces on the floor with its pillar following after, also smashing into a million pieces on top of it.

"Uh-oh, you busted our bust." A twin said over Eri's shoulder.

"And the pillar too." The other said over her other shoulder.

"I-I didn't mean to..." Eri explained, gaping wide eyed at the pillar and the bust that were both broken. She couldn't tell what the bust looked like before it broke. Who knew a bust and pillar could be so fragile.

"The bust was made out of ivory and also an antique that costed $50,000. The pillar was $20,000 which would add up to $70,000." The black haired boy with glasses explained to her while he pushed up his glasses and had a clip board in his hand.

"Oi, Kyoya-senpai," One of the twins said, now in front of Eri as he looked at the wreckage she made, "She scratched the floor too."

"Oh, then the total would be $80,000 when you add in the waxing."

Eri whipped her head towards him in disbelief. $10,000 for waxing a few scratches on a floor? That must be some expensive wax then! Or maybe some expensive floor tiles.

"How will you ever pay us back, Princess?" The blond haired boy asked, placing a hand on his cheek in wonder.

Eri bit her lip. She thought about using the money from her mother's side to pay them back, but she didn't want to use the money on something like this. Besides, she promised herself that she would only use the money from her mother's side on something severe. A broken bust, pillar and scratched floor didn't seem that severe. Then she had an idea, she could work for them until the payment was paid.

She was about to say her idea when the brown haired boy spoke, "Well, she could-"

"She can work for us, Tama-chan!" Mitsukuni said, cutting in as he looked at the taller blond haired boy with a big smile on his face. "What do you say?"

"That seems like a fine idea, Honey-kun!" The blond boy, apparently named Tama-chan by Mitsukuni, said as one of his hands was placed on his hip and the other clenched into a fist.

"Wait, wait!" The brown haired boy shouted, lifting one of his hands up to the height of his shoulder. "I don't think letting her work for us will work out!"

"Tama-chan" then cupped his chin in thought. "Hmm, you're right, Haruhi." He then looked at Eri, his head going up and down like he was studying her. Then suddenly he pointed his finger at her. "Alright then. You won't work FOR us. You'll work WITH us!"

There was a moment of silence. What was happening in front of Eri seemed to of been going too fast for her brain to take in that quickly.

"Wh-What?" Eri's eye brows furrowed together in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Are you sure about that, King?" One of the twins asked, ignoring her question as he looked at "Tama-chan".

"Do you think she'll handle it?" The other added in, also ignoring her question like the other one.

"Of course she will." The blond haired boy named Tama-chan, and now King, said. "She has a sort of charm drifting off of her. I have an eye for things like that, you know! But she has to keep the secret, of course."

"That wasn't what I meant, Senpai." The brown haired boy said, an eye brow twitching in slight annoyance.

"Wait, what's happening?" Eri question, not understanding what was happening around her.

"You're going to be a host, Eri-chan!" Mitsukuni explained with a big smile when he walked up to her.

There was another moment of silence. Another moment of her brain catching up to what was happening around her.

"What?" One of her eye brows raised. Was she really? 

"Don't worry about actually being a boy, Eri-chan!" He said to her, giving her a sudden hug. "You can dress up as one!"

"Wi-Will that work?" Eri stuttered as she started to understand what they were planning for her.

He nodded. "So will you join?"

She looked at him and said, "Well, I'm not sure..."

"Pwease?" Mitsukuni pleaded with big, adorable, puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh..." Eri looked at him as he stared up at her. Then she pulled away from his hug and patted him on the head. "Sure."

As she had kept eye contact with Mitsukuni's puppy dog eyes, she had found it harder and harder to actually say no to him, so she agreed. On another note, she would be able to pay off the bust, pillar and waxing. Mitsukuni smiled with a cheer and grabbed Eri by the arm. 

"Let's get you into uniform!" He cheered. "Come on, Takashi!"

Takashi nodded and followed.


"I'm not sure about this. Doesn't the uniform cost money?" Eri asked as she fixed the tie of the boy's uniform of Ouran that she was wearing. She then pushed the dressing room curtains aside as she stepped out and presented herself in front of the Host Club.

"Wow! That uniform makes you look like a boy, Eri-chan~!" Mitsukuni said.

"And now all that's left is my hair, right? To actually pull off me looking like a boy?" Eri questioned as she touched the back of her head, feeling her hair.

"Yep." The twins said together as they held up a pair of scissors in their hands. "Want us to cut it?"

She saw an evil glint in their eyes and denied it.

"I'll cut it myself." She stated, looking away from the twins.

Eri took a pair of scissors from one of the twins and started to cut her hair in front of a mirror that was in the room. When she was done, she looked like a boy with girlish features. Her bangs were still parted from her right, along with her bangs still being the same, but the ends of her hair brushed the back of her neck while her side hairs ended to the length of where her mouth was at. She messed up her hair a bit and then smoothed it again to make it look "stylishly messy". She looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe it. She was actually going along with their plan of making herself look like a boy to be a host to pay off the money she owed them. And that she could actually pull of the boy look.

"Okay," She placed the scissors down and spun around on her heels towards the host members. "Time for all of you to introduce yourselves to me."

The black haired boy with the same black colored eyes with glasses pushed his glasses up before introducing himself. "Ootori Kyoya. It's nice to meet you. Over there are the Hitachiin Twins."

He pointed towards the brothers with the auburn colored hair and golden brown eyes.

"Hitachiin Hikaru." The twin on the right of Eri said, pointing to himself with his thumb.

"Hitachiin Kaoru." The twin on Eri's left said, doing the same.

Then they interlocked their arms and said in unison, "And we're called the Hitachiin twins!"

Eri looked at the both of them and realized that Hikaru had his bangs parted to the right in her point of veiw and Kaoru's was the opposte, parting from the left. She would have to keep that in mind since they were twins, and nodded her head before turning towards the brown haired boy with matching brown eyes.

"I'm Fujioka Haruhi." He introduced himself as he gave her a smile.

"Nice to meet you." She said to him with a smile back. Eri, getting a closer looked at the brown haired boy, noticed he had some girlish features too. She wondered for a short second if he was actually a she, but decided to move on.

She looked over to Takashi and Mitsukuni. "I've already met Mitsukuni-san and Takashi-san so that leaves-"

"Suoh Tamaki." The blond haired boy with violet eyes that was called "Tama-chan" and "King" before cut in. He bowed in front of Eri with his hand on his chest. "We all welcome you, Sonoda Eri-san, to the Host Club as our new secret princess."

"So, what do I typically do in the club?" Eri questioned.

"Why, entertain the girls that come in, of course!" Tamaki explained, spreading his arms out in a dramatic manner.

"We're going to open soon so learn quick!" Mitsukuni advised with a big smile before leaving the room with the rest of the host members that were leaving the changing room.

"Ah! Wait-!" Eri lifted her arm to stop them from leaving, but it was too late. They all exited the room pretty quickly. Except for Haruhi that is.

"Don't worry, it's not as bad being a host when you're actually a girl." Haruhi told her, looking at her with a tilt of his head and a reassuring smile.

"How do you know? I'm a girl." Eri stated, raising an eye brow slightly. "What if I get found out? Then I won't be able to pay the club back."

"You look like a boy, Sonoda-san. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll work out for you."

Eri gave him a slightly worried look. "I guess, but...will this actually work?"

Haruhi nodded. "I'm sure."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm a girl." He smiled weakly, looking off to the side. "And I haven't been found out yet."

"What...?" Eri questioned, surprised. Surprises never seemed to cease for her today.


"I didn't know the Host Club had a new host. What do you like to do Sonoda-san?" A girl that sat down with Eri asked.

"Your hair looks so soft. What shampoo do you use?" Another girl that sat down with her asked.

"Uh, well..." Eri wasn't sure how to answer them.

This was something new to her. And she didn't know what to do. She was slightly worried that she wouldn't be able to pay the Host Club back and might actually resort to using her mother's money. She really didn't want to do that so she had to try her best to pay the club back by herself. She was told how she could be creative at solving problems so she should be able to do this. But...

What is she suppose to do exactly?


A/N: Re-written! 

.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora