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I slip my earbuds in, selecting a song and return my iPod to its place in my pocket. I'm the type who has passionate but brief love affairs with old songs: the kind where you find a band that just gets you and you listen to your favorite of their songs on non-stop repeat for three days before finding a new band that understands you even more than the last. My current dalliance has been with Steven Patrick Morrissey, specifically with his song "Earth is the Loneliest Planet". As I walk home in the drizzle, I stare down at the glistening wet pavement and I let the world around me dissolve into the melody which wafts through my head.    

Day after day, you say "one day, one day,"

but you're in the wrong place,

and you've got the wrong face

and humans are not really very humane,

and earth is the loneliest planet of all.

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