Loving her smile

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Alice looked out of the window from her and Jaspers bedroom. She sighed looking out at the trees swaying in the wind. Her hand was on the windowframe unconciously tapping her fingers. This was one of those moments where she remembered her past. Ofcourse she moved on but she cant forget what happened. At times she wonders how her niece is, if Cynthia ever talked about her before she passed away.

Jasper walked into the room in search of his mate. He leaned against the doorframe seeing her stand at the window just looking out. A few minutes went by with him watching her. The tapping had stopped meaning she noticed his presents and turned her head looking at him over her shoulder. Jasper smiled softly and walked towards her wrapping his arms around her waist. "What are you thinking about?" He knew what she was thinking about but he wanted her to speak about her feelings out loud. He placed his chin on her shoulder feeling her hands go over his as she leaned back against him.

"Just thinking." She turned around in his arms looking up at him. "It's nothing to worry about. I promise." She smiled at him reassuring him it was alright. He nodded letting it go for now. Leaning down he kissed her gently for a moment.

A knock at the door ruined the lovely moment they were having. They both turned their head to the door seeing Emmett standing there with a smirk on his face. "Next time you should close your door if you dont want to be disturbed." Jasper sighed shaking his head. "I came to get you two. Let's go. Let's go." Emmett looked at them for a moment then walked back downstairs. "Just a little longer." Jasper said turning his head back to her tightening his hold on her. Alice leaned her head against his chest silently agreeing. A few minutes went by and they were still in each others arms.

Downstairs Emmett stood beside Rosalie watching her help Esme cook. He was about to go back upstairs to get Alice and Jasper when Rosalie stopped him. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Leave them be." She smiled looking up at him. "They need their time alone right now." She said as she started to cut some fruit. Emmett nodded smirking at the thought of teasing Jasper later.

A minute later Renesmee came running in the kitchen. Edward and Bella following close behind. Renesmee looked back st her parents who nodded encouraging her to show everyone. "I made you all something." She said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Rosalie put the knife down and turned around to look at her niece. Esme turned the heat of the stove on a low and turned around. Renesmee opened a box she held thightly in her hands and pulled out several bracelets. "Jake helped me make them." She went over to Esme first and clasped the bracelet on her wrist. Next she went to Rosalie who was next to Esme. Then she went to Emmett. She looked around for Alice and Jasper. "Where are aunty Alice and uncle Jasper?" She looked at everyone curiously. "They will come down soon sweetheart. Would you like to eat first?" Esme walked up to her and picked her up. Renesmee nodded excited st her question. Esme smiled and sat her down on one of the chairs.

While Esme was preparing her plate Alice and Jasper came down hand in hand. Renesmee junped out of the chair taking two bracelets from the box and ran over to them quickly putting it around their wrists. Emmett chuckled at Jaspers confused face. Renesmee smiled st her work and went back to the kitchen just as Esme placed the plate of food down on the table.

"It's beautiful Nessie! I love it!" Alice said smiling bright. Renesmee looked at everyone seeing their faces lit up and happy. There were two left. Carlisle was at work and Jscob was on patrol but they would get it when they came home. Alice sat next to Renesmee talking about the bracelet. Emmett went to watch TV, Rosalie joining him a few minutes later after helping Esme clean up. Jasper leaned against the wall not far from where Alice was and watched her with so much live in his eyes. He could tell and feel that she was genuinely happy. This was all she needed to feel better. Spending time with her family and the love of her life.

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