Forever Family

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Alice walked towards the diner she was supposed to meet Jasper at. She believed she was destined to meet him. Walking inside the diner she looked around for him but didnt see him. She sat down waiting for him to show up then left at the end of the day. She did this for 30 years. Day in, day out. Until one day....

Today she had a good feeling and walked towards the familiar diner. She opened the door looking inside and instantly her eyes fell on the blond haired male. Walking up to him like they were best friends she said to him "You kept me waiting long enough" Jasper was confused looking around to see if she possibly got the wrong person. Apparently she didnt. Alice smiled bright and explained everything to Jasper. From her visions of him to the cullens. Jasper was convinced and took her hand setting out to find the cullens.

After some time of traveling they stood just outside of Forks. They looked at each other for a brief moment before walking in the small town where they believed to find a peaceful life. "Will they accept us alice?" Jasper looked slightly worried seeing as he was still not accustomed to animal blood. "Shhh they will accept us. I've seen it" She smiles confident holding his hand silently saying that it will be alright.

Walking through the woods in the rainy weather of Forks was wonderful. It was a little different then what they knew. After a while of walking they saw a big, open house coming into view. They walked up to it and knocked on the door waiting for someone to open the door.

Carlisle opened the door a little confused as he wasnt expecting anyone nor were the others. He saw two young vampires on his doorstep. "Hello can i help you two?" He said as polite as always. "Hi im Alice and this Jasper" She motioned to the male next to her. "Ive seen a vision of us joining your coven. I will explain everything" She jumps slightly feeling excited. Carlisle nodded and let them in. He walked upstairs with then trailing behind him.

Everyone looked at the other two vampires coming up as Carlisle walked back to his wife and mate Esme. Edward obviously already knew as he read her and Jaspers minds. Esme smiled gently introducing herself. Emmett and Rosalie introduced themselves. Emmett being a little too excited. And lastly Edward introduced himself. Alice nodded and introduced herself and Jasper. "Its nice to meet you all!" She explained everything about her gift and seeing them join this coven.

Carlisle smiled warmly "Welcome to the family" Alice being her excited self clapped her hands together "Thank you! See? I told you we'd be fine" She said giving Jasper an "I told you so"-look.

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