Fun time!

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Emily stood in the kitchen cooking lots of dishes since the whole pack would be coming over. As she was cooking Sam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek. Emily smiled and kept cutting some vegetable. "As much as i like your hugs you will have to wait until im finished." Emily said looking iver her shoulder at him. "Unless you wamt an accidental knife in your foot." Sam immediately pulled back and leaned against the counter watching her cook. "We wouldnt want that to happen now would we?" He chuckles and grabbed a piece of carrot she just cut.

About an hour later most of the food was ready. Jared and Embry walked in the house loud as always. "Hey Emily. Hey Sam. Smells good." He sat down at the table messing around with the salt and pepper shakers on the table. "Thats good to hear. Dinner is almost ready." Paul came a minute later and sat down at the table.

Right then Quil came running in and pointed at Jared and Embry. "You two left without me!" They looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "You should have been faster." Embry said smirking at him. "It looked like you were getting ready for the queen. Should i wear this or would this be better?" He teased Quil pretending he was looking in the mirror trying on clothes. "We're going to a bonfire not a fashion show." He laughed wiping away tears from his eyes.

Quil pouted and pushed Jared out of his chair before sitting down crossing his arms. Leah and Seth walked calmly inside greeting everyone and sat down. Emily started putting the dishes out on the table. She searched for Sam and saw him on the phone. She walked back to the kitchen preparing the remaining dishes. It might seem like a lot of food but these guys and girl eat like they havent eaten in years. She chuckles shaking her head at the thought.

Sam came back and sat down in his seat. "Jacob will meet us at the bonfire. He is bringing Billy." They nodded and started eating. Emily placed the last dishes on the table and sat down next to her mate. She watched everyone eat happy that they like it and started eating herself. They ocassionally messed with each other during dinner having Emily and Sam scold them to behave.

When they were all finally finished eating they went to the clearing where the bonfire was being held. They greated the elders and Jacob. They sat around the fire with their imprints roasting marshmallows and making smores. They listened closely to the stories of the elders sometimes even forgetting about the marshmallows roasting over the fire getting burned marshmallows catching fire.

The stories are old and they heard them before but they are still so exciting and cool to hear. When the stories ended some of them played soccer and wrestled with each other. They loved tes like these. It was relaxing and fun. Just what you need after killing vampires.

Emily thought about having kids after watchung the pack but shook that thougt from her mind. The pack are all like her children with the way they act and how she takes care of them. She laughed quietly to herself. Sam looked at her hearing her laugh. "Whats so funny?" He wraps his arm around her shoulders pulling her close to him. She shakes her head. "Its nothing important." He nods letting it go and kissed the top of her head.

"Sam! We need another player. Quil doesnt wamt to play anymore! The sissy is tired." Jared mocked him. Sam looked at Emily if its okay. She nods smiling. "Go. Ill be fine here." He got up and ran to the guys getting in the game with them.

The night went on like this. The guys having fun among themselves and their imprints talking and laughing with each other.

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