Remembering our own

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Esme smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She just finished putting the finishing touches on her hair. This situation reminded her of the time her and Carlisle got married. It was pretty hectic. She laughed quietly to herself at the memory.

Carlisle came out of the bathroom hearing her beautiful laugh. "What made my dear wife so happy all of a sudden?" He stood behind her placing his hands in her shoulders as he looked at her in the mirror. Esme looked at him smiling. "Bella and Edwards wedding made me think of ours." Carlisle chuckled as she said that. "It does. Alice got her wish by planning their wedding."

Their wedding was quite small as it was their own family, the Denali's and a few friends. It was planned by a wedding planner. Alice wasnt so thrilled about hearing that but she came to terms with it as it was their wish. The reason they didnt ask Alice is because she would go overboard. They wanted something small and simple but still beautiful.

"I still remember how breathtakingly beautiful you were when you walked down the isle." He kept looking at Esme with the same love he held when they fell in love all those years ago. She stood up from the stool and walked around it standing in front of him. "It was one of the best moments of my life." She held his hands in hers. "You stood there waiting with pride and love in your eyes. Strikingly handsome in that black suit." Carlisle took one of his hands from her hold and placed it gently on her cheek.

Carlisle chuckled at her words. "Very flattering. I can say with confidence that you were the star that day. The light of the sun shining down on you. Surrounded by shades of blues, whites and purples. Forget-me-nots, delphiniums and lily of the valleys all alround us and in the bouquet in your hands." He remembered every single detail as he described her natural beauty with nothing but love in his eyes as he looked deep in hers.

Esme shook her head feeling a little embarrassed as he described her walking down the isle. She laid her head on his chest holding him close to her. Carlisle looked down at her as he was a but taller then her and wrapped his arms around her kissing her hair gently.

As much as they wish that this moment could last forever a knock sounded at the door. The looked at each other then let go walking towards the door opening it. They werent surprised to see Alice standing there with a wide grin on her face. "It's time. You should find your seats." They both nodded at her and watched her skip away to Bella's room for the finishing touches.

Carlisle closed their bedroom door and held out his hand for her to take. Esme took his hand as they walked downstairs to the garden and sat down in their seats. They looked proudly at Edward as he stood at the altar watching his own beautiful bride walk down the isle. Carlisle had his hand on Esme's knee as she placed her hand on his lacing their fingers together watching their children get married.

As the pastor pronounced Edward and Bella husband and wife Carlisle looked at Esme and kissed her happily. He pulled back leaning his forehead against hers feeling invincible and happy beyond believe.

Their children reminded them of when their happiness started. They couldnt wish for anything more.

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