You jumped on the bed and opened the bottle, shaking it to get a few pills out of the bottle. You laughed, and right when you wanted to throw them into your mouth you got a message. You groaned and grabbed your phone from the nightstand.

I'll be spending the night at the dorms. We almost finished this song, and I really want it to be done. I'm sorry I won't spend the night with you baby but you know I'm only one call away 💕

You stared at the text for a few seconds, before looking at the pills in your other hand. You grinned again and dropped your phone next to your legs on the bed. You brought your hand to you mouth and threw your head back, swallowing the pills all at once.

You shot back up straight and began coughing. Soon it turned into laughter. You fell on your back and continued laughing. After coughing a few more times you heard a notification sound from your phone again.

Don't forget to lock the doors at night. Be save, love you ♥️

You smiled at the message, your insanity slightly fading for a bit. Suddenly you got a headache, and a bad one at that. You stood up and went to the bathroom again. You turned on the tap and let the water run down into the sink.

Bringing your head up, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was all messed up from the rolling around and pulling the blankets over your head all the time, your shirt hung loose on one of your shoulders, and you were pale.

Too pale.

You grinned at the sight. You reached your hand down, letting the water softly run down your wrist. Namjoon always gave you a glass of water to help you calm down, but you weren't thirsty at all so you just splashed some water on your face. It did help you feel calmer, and you could feel your breakdown slowly going away.

"Freaking finally." You muttered to yourself and dragged your body back to the bed. You fell down on your belly, limbs spread out and you closed your eyes for a second. You groaned, still feeling your headache. When you opened your eyes you noticed the empty bottle.

"What the.." You sat up and grabbed it. Your eyes widened when you saw it was your medication. Tears started to form in your eyes as you tried to remember how much there were left of them.

"O-Okay.. There were like.. forty of them.." You grabbed your hair in your fist. "I.. I already had twenty three of them this week, so-" You grabbed your hair tighter as tears fell down your cheeks. You dropped everything and roamed around the bed in a daze, trying to find your phone.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" You cried. Finally you felt your phone and pulled it towards you, quickly looking for Namjoon's name.

When you found it, you pressed call quicker than the speed of light and with shaking hands you brought your phone to your ear. You tried to control your heavy breathing as you heard the call ring.


"J-Joonie.." Your voice cracked.

"Baby? What's wrong, what happened?" His voice immidiately sounded concerned.

"I... I.." You let out a few sobs.

"Are you crying? Okay, take a few deep breaths and tell me what happened."

You nodded, even though he couldn't see that, and took a few deep breaths to steady your voice. "I.. I'm so sorry.."

"Sorry? For what?" He sounded even more worried.

"B-Breakdown, a-and I remembered my m-medication... I'm so, so sorry Joon.." You said between sobs.

"Ohmygod." You heard him groan and grabbing his keys. "Don't move and certainly don't do anything stupid! I'll be there in ten, okay?"

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now