"Oh, I learned this by myself." I said with a wink.

I was about to stand but someone opened the door so I immediately get back to my seat and acted unconscious.

"The guy was awake!" A man said.

"Get me out here or I'll kill you." the man just laughed at him.

Oh boy, death glare and a threat won't work, especially when you're tied in a chair.

"The little doll is still sleeping," the man said on his phone, "Should I wake her up?"

I'm already awake you sht of piece.

"What!? He's already here!? That blonde hair idiot!!" I know he was referring to Boruto.

So before he run out of this gloomy room, I immediately trip him off- and he fell on the floor with a cuss, "What the ****!?"

I quickly stood up and fold the chair, "Shanaroo!!!" I forcely smash the folded chair on him while shouting with grudge.

The man unconsciously fell on the floor.

"What a strength..." Kawaki murmur as I went to untie him.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked.

"Uh... Because you helped me before?" I answered with a questioning tone.

Yeah, he helped me enter the university. So yeah, I'm paying back his kindness.

As Kawaki was untied, I went to a closed window to open it. Oh! What a tall building! I can't jump here.

"Sarada, let's go." Kawaki called me while holding a gun.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

He smirked, "From the guy you smushed." he said and went to the door, "Hide behind me, I'll lead the way."

Wait what? Can I really trust him? Hello! I just helped him but it doesn't mean I can fully trust him.

I'll definitely ask Papa to kill him if he led me to danger.

"Hold this bat." he whispered.

He even gave me a metal bat! Heavy!

We are about to go outside the unit but several men were walking on the hallway, "Hide." he pulled me behind him.

Oh no man, I need to get out of this place to see Boruto! I hope he's not hurt.

"Sarada!" kawaki whispered as I went out of the unit.

Hell I care? I said, I need to get out of this place immediately.

I was running in the hallway and Kawaki was chasing me. I stop as I heard a continuous trigger inside the room in front of me.

Sht, the door is locked!

I gripped the metal bat I am holding and smashed the door with strength. It wasn't enough so I kicked it with all my strength.

Luckily I've destroyed the door- and saw Boruto triggered his gun at the guy's arm. The brain of this abduction thingy, I guess.

"Boruto!" I rushed towards and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back and whispered, "Glad, you're safe."

We were hugging each other when I felt Boruto's gun pointing at someone standing in front of the smashed door.

"Why are you here?" he asked while pointing his gun at Kawaki.

"I was helping her to escape." Kawaki explained.

"Then why are you pointing your gun at me?"

"Just to be alert, you're doing the same thing."

"Did he really helped you?" Boruto asked me.

"We helped each other," I corrected him.

He put down his gun at grab my wrist to drag me outside. "Lead the way," Boruto said to Kawaki who annoyingly sighed and led the way to exit.

Before we reach the elevator to the exit, "Boruto," I held his waist to support him when he was about to fall on the floor.

Gosh! I smell blood.

I looked on the ground and was in shock as I saw Boruto leg was bleeding.

"I'm fine," he said.

"You're not fine, look at you! You're pale already!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Come o-"


It happened in a flash. My eyes wided as I heard a trigger of gun behind me and at the same time, the pain I felt when I heard it.

My mind is screaming in pain.

I wanted to stand properly in order to protect him. I want to be strong but I feel like what I did was not enough.

As I collapsed on the floor, I saw Kawaki was pointing his gun at the gloomy place behind us.

We aren't aware that someone was still there.

Sht, my vision was starting to fade as Boruto carry me to the elevator with Kawaki.

"Sarada! Don't sleep. Stay awake, please. Sarada.."

I'm trying to. But I can't help it. It's not like I'm gonna die, right? Or am I?

"Boruto..." I whispered and held his face, "Don't leave me alone, please."

"I won't. I won't." he said in panic.

I smiled before my vision completely fade, "I love you."

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