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Like a single glimpse, we turned away from each other. Boruto leaned back again and faced their window.

"Sarada-chan?" Himawari asked as she saw me. She was holding a huge plastic bag and it looks so heavy so I helped him to bring it inside. "Why are you here, Sarada-chan?"

"Oh, Sarada?" Even Mrs. Hinata was shocked seeing me here, and she also asked the same question as Himawari.

"I went here to ask you, Mrs. Hinata if why Boruto haven't been in class for a week, our adviser assigned me to pay a visit." I explained.

"Oh! I forgot to give your adviser an excuse letter, Boruto." She turned to Boruto with her hand covering his mouth in shock. "I'm sorry, Sarada. Boruto went outside the village to visit his aunt Hanabi." She explained.

"Is that so? Then I shall leave now, Mrs. Hinata. Thank you. Please take your time to rest." I said with a nod then turn to Boruto. "Thanks for letting me in."

I heard him "Tsk!" before I left. He should be glad I thanked him.

I bid my goodbye to Himawari and went off their house.

While walking alone in a quiet street, I suddenly felt like someone's following me so I walk as fast as I could. But then someone from behind grab my wrist.

"I told you, you shouldn't walk alone, scaredy-cat."

"What the... me? Scaredy-cat?" I rudely loosened his hold on my wrist and glares at him.

He crossed his arms, "Yeah." He said while smiling arrogantly. I really hate him. "You know, I heard in the news that there were many criminals lurking around this village."

Jeez, that one froze me off.

"T-that's not true!" I yelled trying to stop him but he just let out a smirk.

"Really? You're afraid, scaredy-cat."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Hmp!" Then walk away.

He think I'm scared!? Who the heck is he to say that to me!? 'Scaredy-cat'? My parents doesn't even call me that!! How could he!?

I walk in our house and rudely slammed the door.

"What's the matter, Sarada?" Mom asked while holding a tray of two cup of teas and she's wearing a glittery lip gloss.

"We have visitors?" I asked, not bothering her question and she replied with a nod.

She smiled happily and went in the living room.


I followed her and was shocked when I saw Mr. Naruto and Papa sitting on our couch. So that's why Mom's wearing a lip gloss.

They are talking seriously, until they saw me.

"Sarada," Papa said and move his hand asking me to come closer to him.

"When did you arrived, Papa?" I immediately asked as I come closer.

"Just now," he answered. "Give this to Boruto tomorrow." He said and gave me a box with a blue wrapper.

"You know him?"

He nod, "I trained him back then."

"Yo! Sarada!" Mr. Naruto waved his hand.

"Oh?" I looked back to Dad, "Isn't he the father of Boruto? Why won't you ask him to do so?" I asked again.

He sighed before answering, "This usuratonkachi will definetly forgot it."

"I won't, dattebayo!" He complaint like a child.

They started arguing and belittle each other. "I'll go rest now, Papa, Mr. Naruto." I said with a respecful nod and walk away.

I've never thought Dad would go home this time. He's always busy on everything. He was like a police, outside the village.

And also, I didn't know that Dad trained Boruto back then. Are they close?






I heard someone calling my name.

I'm in a dark place; the darkness surround the area. I don't know where am I.


I heard a familiar voice calling me, it makes my heart beat faster. Why is he calling me? Where is he?


Dad was also calling me, I can hear it.


Also Mom, Mr. Naruto, Chocho, Mitsuki... everyone?

Why are they calling me? What's happening?


An unfamiliar voice of a guy calmly called my name. He's wearing white mask with a happy face and a mustache.

Who is he?

"Sarada... Would you dare to hold a.."


Someone ran towards me and hugged me tightly. A blonde haired guy were hugging me.

I repeatedly calling his name but there's no voice coming from me. I was voiceless.

"Sarada, please don't let go. Please don't go away. Please..." he's crying, "Stay."


My heart skipped a beat as I heard a loud bang of a gun from a far. And I saw the masked guy holding a gun... towards us.

I saw my hand... with blood... it was from... his back.

No.. no no no... this is not happening...

No please, this is not true.

I shivered as I saw him lying on the floor, flooded with his own... blood.


"Sarada!?" I opened my eyes and saw myself in my own room.

I also saw Mom and Dad worridly looking at me. "It was a dream." I said to myself and looked at my own hand.

"Are you alright?" Mom asked holding my shoulders so I replied with a nod. They sighed and smiled, then went off my room.

I looked at my wall clock.. 7:45 am. I stared at it for some minutes. Hmm.. 7:50 am?


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