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The next day, as expected the Librarian tasked me again to properly arrange every book shelves.

I didn't even applied to work inside the Library. Oh well, I don't even have a choice. The Librarian will be furious if I disagree.

While arranging, I saw a blonde-haired guy unproperly seated at the corner of the library. Both of his hands were placed behind his head and both of his feet were on the table.

He's seating peacefully and staring at the window like he was in his house.

I can feel a sudden madness and so I went near him and strongly smack the table that made him seat properly in shock.

"What the hell!?" He yelled so I immediately cover his mouth.

I warned him with a sign, "Shh!!"

I remove my hand covering his mouth and then placed both of my hand on my waist.

"Where do you think are we!?" I whispered in anger while glaring at him.

"What do you think am I? Stupid?" He asked back with a glare.

"Yeah, you're so stupid. Feeling at home while you're in the Libra--" he cut me off.

"What are you, a superior?" He asked with an assuming glare.

What the ef!? I angrily held his polo and pulled him closer to me.

"Drop the attitude, idiot. I'm no superior, but I can kick your butt." I warned him and pushed him back.

He was in sudden shock because of what I did but then he gave me an evil smirk. It made my heart beat faster.

"You sure are a short-tempered, missy."

"F*ck you."

I rolled my eyes and walked away the Library leaving my task undone. I was so mad walking so fast and ignoring some students who's greeting me.


One unfamiliar voice called me and made me stop walking. I turn my head and saw a guy with a moon-like hair.

"Mitsu..." I forgot his name.

"It's Mitsuki," he smiled geniunely. "Have you seen a chubby girl holding a potato chip?"


She suddenly went in my head when Mitsuki asked.

"Ah, I guess that's her name. Have you seen her?"

"No, why?"

"She dropped one of her potato chips." He answered while holding Chocho's.

It made me sighed heavely. That girl... really.

"I'll just give it to her."

I was going to head back to our classroom but he called me again.

"Sarada-san?" I turn back again, "Have you seen a blonde-haired guy named Boruto?"

Oh, that idiot?

"He's in the Library."

"Thanks." I just nod at him.


"Have you guys already saw the two transferees?" Wasabi asked while were eating our lunch together.

"Yeah, they're both look scary," Namida shyly responsed.

"Only Mitsuki, you know Sarada, he gave me a bag potato chips earlier. I think he likes me, but I'm too hot for him." Chocho said while chewing her food.

"Boruto looks cool," Sumire replied while staring at her food and made us all stare at her.

"You like that Blonde ignorant?" Wasabi asked.

We saw how Sumire blushed but still denied it.

"You, Sarada?" Chocho pointed her chopsticks at me.


"Who's cool for you? Boruto or Mitsuki?"

Before I answer Chocho's question, I suddenly saw Boruto stop and glares at me while holding his tray behind Sumire.

He was glaring at me as I rolled my eyes at him and answered the question with an evil smile.

"Mitsuki, of course!"

My peripheral vision saw how his eyebrows narrow and starting to form an eagle and left.

All of the students inside the Cafeteria are all in shock as he loudly smack the table behind me and Wasabi.

"Move," he said and seated behind me.

I really hate his attitude. I'm really trembling in anger right now, my chopsticks broke in one hand.

"Sarada, are you alright?" Chocho asked as she noticed.

"I need to go, I'm sorry."

Before I walk away, I saw Sumire blushing while staring at Boruto's back. Damn, his attention captured Sumire's.

I really don't want that idiot to be with Sumire. He'll just abuse Sumire's kindness.

And why is my heart aches this time!?


Thank you guys for supporting my story!! Seriously, I really appreciate it!! This is my first time writing an anime fanfiction!!

Btw, would you like them to have their shinobi skills, I mean the action stuffs? Please leave a comment if you agree or not.

T H A N K S \(^o^)/

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