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I'm eavesdropping Dad and Boruto's conversation. They are both serious; they didn't even notice me.

I heard them talking about criminals, dead people, other co-members of Konoha Military Police Force where Dad was working and others.

I didn't completely heard their conversation because Mom was looking for me."Sarada?" Mom called my name.

"Yeh?" I asked and went near her. "What is it?"

"Could you please bring these to your Dad and your friend?" She asked so I immediately nod and she gave me the tray she was holding.

I went in our balcony where they were talking. They suddenly behave as they saw me walking towards them.

"Thanks," Boruto thanked me and Papa just nod. I did the same as what Papa did and went back inside our house.

I'm really curious of what they wer talking, I kinda feel interested to it.

After some hours... while cleaning my own room, someone went it without my permission.

"Why are you here?" I asked calmly while staring at him.

"Just checking.." he said while his both hands on his pockets and looked around. "Huh? Who gave this to you?" He asked as he saw my snowglobe placed on my study table.

"Mr. Kakashi," I answered.

"Oh, you met old man Kakashi?"

"He doesn't look old," I stated.

"But he's older than our Dads," he said and still staring at my snowglobe like he's gonna run it home anytime. "He also gave me this," he added with a slight smile on his face.

"You keep it too?"

"Of course, that old man rarely give a gift -- once in a blue moon," he said and we both laughed.

I don't even know why did I laughed. Well, maybe because of his funny laugh... I guess?

Next day, time pass by real quick it was already lunch time.

I'm bored so I went in our Library alone to read some books.

While reading, someone suddenly sat in front of me. He bend his arms and completely stares at me.

"What?" I asked with an annoyed face.

"Nothing, I'm just bored. Let me stay with you," he said like a child being too sweet to his mom.

"If you came here because you're bored, then just read a book. Don't just stare, you're disturbing me. Shoo!" I shoo-ed him away like a dog.

I saw him pouted before leaving his seat and went somewhere. Now, I can completely relax.

But he came back and loudly slammed the book he picked on the table. "Will you avoid making loud noise!?" I whispered.

"Will you stop making my heart beat faster?" He asked back and made me froze like I heard a ghost whispering on my ears.

"What the--" I was about to ask another question but he walked away.

What's running on his mind? Does he already lost his mind? Poor him. I don't get what he said, I really want him to clear his words.

Urgh, quit confusing me!! 

I shook my head and erase him on my mind, trying to relax again while reading. But unexpectedly, he went in the Library again, through the window near me.

"What the...?" Is he insane?

"I came back again, I missed you." He said seriously and made my heart skip a beat.

AISH! "What's wrong with you? Are you out of your mind?"

"Yeah, am I in your mind?" He asked back with a smirk.

"Arrghhh!! Stop that! Stay away from me you monster!! Shoo!!" I pushed him away, avoiding his gaze.

"What? Why?" He asked like he was too innocent.

"Stop saying nasty things, you idiot. Go away! You're distracting me."

"Why?" He asked again.


"Why am I distracting you?"

Time suddenly froze when he asked me that. I, myself, doesn't even know why is he... aish! I'm gonna be insane too.

"Ask that yourself, BAKA!"

As I said that, he just let out a smirk and walk away. And I, I can feel regretness swallowing me apart as I watch him walk away.

I let out a deep breathe trying to control my body shaking. As I turn aroud and was about to sit, but I saw Mitsuki completely staring at me with a smile.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing. Someone just asked me to borrow a book here and then I saw you... talking to Boruto." He said that with an assumig smile.

I feel like I wann hide my face anytime soon. I'm melting, maybe the aircon wasn't on? Oh! I get it, the window near me was open, so that's why I feel so hot.

I went to close the window and Mitsuki talked again, "You like him, don't you?"

I froze, "What? No way! I don't like Boruto!!" I denied.

"I didn't mention his name." He cleared.

"Oh...?" Sht, really?

"Caught you." Mitsuki said with a smile before leaving the Library.

No way! I don't really like that idiot? Why are they keep asking me if I like him?! Of course I like hi-- NOOO!!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM!

What the heck is happening to me?



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